EDI Excellence within Higher Education Handbook 2024 - Digi…


Bangor Business School (BBS) receives significant numbers of international students, many of whom join from partner universities midway through their courses (some in their second year, others in their third). These students often face challenges in adapting to the UK higher education system. Common hurdles are understanding plagiarism and referencing, conducting literature searches, and structuring assignments. To address the academic and social challenges encountered by our international students, BBS offers a Study Buddy support scheme in supplement to formal training and tuition. This initiative connects students with peer-tutors who are current BBS students and provides guidance based on personal experience, helping students acclimate and develop their academic skills. Peer-tutoring programmes can be particularly effective at facilitating academic and social adjustment to university study, and the sharing of experience has benefits for tutees and tutors. First, we announce the scheme to existing students and recruit experienced candidates to participate as tutors. These mentors receive training and hourly compensation for their support. Secondly, in collaboration with our academic and professional colleagues, we advertise the scheme through various channels including ‘shout-outs’ during relevant lectures. A dedicated room is reserved for two hours drop-in per week during term time, where students can seek assignment and study-related assistance from the study buddies. Feedback from both the study buddies and the international students has been overwhelmingly positive. The scheme provides an opportunity for students to seek help from peers who may be more approachable than academic lecturers. Additionally, study buddies can share subject knowledge from previous years, enhancing the new students' understanding of course design and structure. Here are quotes from recent study buddies reflecting on the scheme: “I am really thankful for this opportunity as it not only helped other students but also provided me excellent work experience. This opportunity has polished my communication skills as I was able to meet and discuss students from different cultures and backgrounds.” “One of my best opportunities in university to help with others.”


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