EDI Excellence within Higher Education Handbook 2024 - Digi…


As part of our commitment to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) at the University of South Wales (USW), we support Muslim students and staff in practising their religion. In addition to the prayer room provided in the university Chaplaincy, USW has established additional prayer rooms across various campus locations. Given the demographic shift, a significant number of postgraduate full-time students in the South Wales Business School (SWBS) come from Muslim backgrounds. The Friday Jummah Prayer, which must be offered in congregation, is of utmost importance to them, unlike the usual daily prayers. To accommodate this, the postgraduate programmes in the Business School have been adjusted to ensure sufficient time for students to attend the Jummah Prayer on campus. This adjustment aligns with the break times for other students and staff, ensuring that the teaching schedule is not compromised. During Ramadan, the university provides iftar meals every evening for the Muslim students on campus. Volunteers, including students, staff, and staff family members, sign up to support this initiative. Muslim students are able to break their fast communally with other students. To celebrate Eid, USW also organises Eid prayers in the morning, which are attended by the wider Muslim community in Treforest. Following the prayers, an Eid breakfast is held in the university canteen. These events support students in celebrating Eid, whilst attending their classes on the same day. These initiatives significantly raise awareness about the cultural and religious practices of Muslim students among the wider University community. By promoting understanding and respect for diverse religious practices, SWBS not only supports its Muslim students and staff but also enriches the University's cultural fabric. These efforts exemplify the University's commitment to creating a welcoming and supportive environment for all its members.


Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI) Excellence within Higher Education

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