EDI Excellence within Higher Education Handbook 2024 - Digi…


It is clear that inequality, disadvantage and discrimination remain prevalent in society and are reflected in organisational structures, behaviours and practices, including those in universities and Business Schools. Informed by its own research conducted by Professor Emmanuel Ogbonna CBE and the COVID-19 report on the impact of race on COVID outcomes that he produced for Welsh Government, the Business School has established a Race Equality Committee, which Prof. Ogbonna chairs. The Committee is comprised of student and staff representatives, including the Dean of the School, and reports directly to Management Board. The Committee aims to ensure that the School’s workplace culture, learning environment, education curricula and teaching practices are diverse, inclusive and non-discriminatory, while addressing attainment gaps and amplifying BAME voices within the School. Initiatives introduced by the Committee include a Race Equality Book and Film Club, which enables colleagues and students to come together to reflect on issues and actions. In addition, the Committee prompted a collaboration between the Business School and Business in the Community to deliver anti-racism training and development across the School. Almost 200 colleagues have completed the first session on Let’s Talk about Race and a further 60 are onto the second stage on Allyship. Finally, we have launched an anti-racist reporting tool so that any student, staff member or colleague can report an incident online anonymously by using our form.


Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI) Excellence within Higher Education

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