The Lakes South Morang College - Issue 11

The Lakes South Morang College Newsletter PRINCIPAL REPORT

students who prepared and conducted themselves with aplomb, many scoring highly in their studies. And a thank you to the teachers and supervisors for their efforts with the organisation and administration of the NAPLAN tests and exams, including the timely assessment and reporting that was completed during the holiday break. All students in Years 10 - 12 should have received their Semester One Student Reports via Compass. If not, please contact the general office for follow up. LEARNER REVIEW MEETINGS: A Learner Review Day is scheduled for August 28 for Secondary students and their families & September 17 for Primary students and their families - please mark this in your diaries and make appointments on Compass when you ’ re advised that appointments are open. There will be no classes on these days at the respective campuses to enable the meetings. It is imperative that you make appointments to discuss your child ’ s learning progress and intent with their learning goals. This is a key aspect of our growing school - family partnership that is critical to enhancing student performance and constructive relationships between students, their teachers and their families. COLLEGE PRIORITIES FOR STUDENTS IN TERM 3: To ensure that we are working together and in tandem at all times, the following practices NEED to be at the forefront of our work to begin Term 3 on our 4 key pillars that are our performance indicators:

marked increase from last year where we enrolled 45 students. We will need to cap the number soon to ensure that we can maintain our philosophy of smaller class sizes. If you know any family who is looking at enrolling from outside our College, please ask them to contact the general office and submit their paperwork as a matter of priority. ENROLMENTS AT OTHER YEAR LEVELS: We have maintained our commitment to restrict enrolments to our catchment area in Semester One so that class sizes and classroom dynamics are not hampered and learning is not compromised. We will open our window for the first two weeks for enrolments and further encourage any prospective families to enrol for the beginning of 2025. If you have a Preppie for next year or know of a family in your circle who is intending to enrol at our College, you are strongly encouraged to submit enrolment forms as soon as possible to enable us to effectively prepare for staffing arrangements. NAIDOC WEEK JULY 7 - 14: This year the theme that the Department of Education focused on was ‘ Keep the fire burning! Blak, loud and proud ’. I wanted to thank the many teachers and students, and their families that celebrated the week. On 1 July 2024, the First Nations Strategy, Policy and Programs group was established. This includes working closely with the Koorie Outcomes Division, and supporting the work of the Koorie Education Workforce and groups across the department to further strengthen our efforts to lift outcomes for First Nations learners. On our recent Principal Field Study to New Zealand schools, both Ms Lee and I were amazed by the prevalence of First Nation authenticity, realness and honesty that we identified as the sustaining themes from our observations. Many questions arose around the purpose, vision, and function of the education system, and metrics to measure success. In particular, how these are differentiated for cultural groups and individual communities and the tension that exists at these intersections. We were inspired to see that school communities were complete as one in their understanding of their true Indigenous origins, were able to confidently perform welcoming Māori ceremonies for us as their guests of honour in a very authentic and inclusive manner, presented us with a gift that depicted their land and connected us to their personal story telling that covered their heritage and rich history. The sacredness of the collective identity at each school we visited was clear and apparent. As a College, we need to be able to identify our College values in addition to our strategic intent and learn to celebrate success in ways which depict the true Indigenous foundations that our College sits on. Our aim is to use the learning and strategies used to acknowledge and celebrate First Nation ’ s history and culture, to build a capacity in our community that truly is inclusive to our local Indigenous heritage. We owe it to our students to develop a shared vision where the culture, knowledge and experience of First Nations peoples are celebrated, our universal service systems are inclusive, responsive and respectful, and every learner achieves their potential, and feels strong in their cultural identity. Have a lovely weekend and as always, thank you for the ongoing support that you give to nurture your child ’ s learning.


Community Connections: Uniform - Learning Coaches will be monitoring student uniform and offering support to ensure that each child's needs around uniform can be met. Families are encouraged to contact Ms Sutton or Ms Watt for uniform supports. Positive Culture for Learning: Punctuality to each and every session is a vital component in student success in the classroom. Teachers will be reestablishing classroom protocols and processes to ensure that learning time is maximised through punctuality. School Pride: Classrooms - Building and grounds works will continue throughout Term 3. The provision of high - quality teaching and learning spaces is of high priority to the College. It is important that students also show care and pride in their spaces by taking care of them. High Expectation: Students will be working with their Learning Coaches and individual teachers to refine their Learning Goals. These goals also set the conditions for differentiated learning and assessment opportunities - critical to a students progression and lifting the academic focus across the College.




Please support our initiative and drive for student success by reinforcing the importance of these practices at home with your children. We will review our performance in Week 6, August 23 which is our Curriculum Day. SYNTHETIC BASKETBALL COURT UPDATE – PRIMARY CAMPUS: Works are continuing on this exciting project. You would have noticed that the topsoil and below ground drainage works are almost complete. The soil needs time to sit, particularly in the wet winter we are experiencing, before the turf is laid. The anticipated completion date is late August at the earliest. We will then need to invest in surrounding landscaping and pathways to avoid mud on the synthetic courts. Thank you for avoiding the enclosed area in the interim. 2025 Year 7 ENROLMENTS: 84 students have enrolled to begin their secondary education at the College. 32 are external from Morang South PS, Mernda Park PS, Mill Park Heights PS and a scattering of enrolments come from beyond our region. This is a

Mr Panas

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