SOA FACTS ON 2022-2023
KSU Financial Reporting Roundtable (FRR)
The 20 largest, publicly held companies, measured by total revenue in Georgia collaborate in a forum for informal, off the record, discussions pertaining to financial reporting. The Financial Reporting Roundtable was founded in 2007.
We are the largest School of Accountancy in Georgia
1,091 Undergraduate students 35 MAcc students 6 PhD students
268 students graduate per year
56%+ obtain credit for internships and co-ops
75%+ indicate positive career outcomes
785 hours of academic credit earned for internships
About Our Graduates:
BYU Accounting Research Rankings
KSU is ranked 61st in the world for the number of Accounting Research Articles published in leading journals since 1990.
KSU RANKS HIGHER than these universities: • Georgia State University • Georgia Institute of Technology • University of South Florida
It also ranks
in Audit Research
in Tax Research
BYU ranks KSU 2nd in the world for the number of Accounting Education Research articles published in leading journals since 1990 Our Ph.D. in Accounting program is also ranked 80th in the world
• Auburn University • NC State University • and many more
Beta Alpha Psi International has ranked KSU a Superior Chapter for 4 years running Best I nternal A udit E ducation P ossible
DIVERSITY is important to KSU, Coles College, and the School of Accountancy Underrepresented minorities make up:
Issues In Higher Education ranks the top 100 universities that confer the most degrees to minorities. KSU ranks 32nd overall in bachelor’s degrees in accounting.
44% Coles College student body
37% MAcc student body
51% KSU student body
49.5% BBA Accounting students
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