Department: Therapy team 12/23
Regular staff deep pressure training
• Meeting Sensory Integration needs of students • Running joint OT / PT internal referral system • Supporting students sensory – motor needs is important not only for physical health and wellbeing but also mental health
Speech & Language Therapy
Senior Speech and Language Therapist
Name: Karen Boswell Mon-Thurs
Speech and Language Therapist
Name: Jenny McArdle Mon-Thurs
What do Speech and Language Therapists do? Speech and Language Therapists work across the school environment and support the student’s programmes within the community and residential environments. We work in a variety of ways including 1:1 withdrawal sessions, group sessions, and working alongside other staff to set up activities and advise on communication. We also work indirectly supporting and training staff and monitoring students’ progress. Our work can cover the following areas: • Social communication • Speech work • Expressive language work including developing alternative forms of communication • Developing understanding of language. • Personal, social and health education • Relationships and self-advocacy skills • Functional communication • Community access • Life skills How can Speech and Language Therapists help? • Provide advice to parents, teachers and other professionals after an assessment of the student. • Help students develop better understanding of social situations. • Develop a successful communication system including advice on suitable resources. • Support the inter-disciplinary team in setting up behaviour support programmes. • Enable students to develop relationships and advocate for themselves.
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