Fore Court September 2018

Prepare Your Garden Autumn Steps for a Better Spring Garden

planted. This keeps rodents from digging them up and allows the plants to grow through the gaps in the wire.

With fall just ahead, it’s a good time to think about your spring garden. For a beautiful garden next year, begin preparing this fall. Here are a few ways to get a head start! PLANTING BULBS If you want beautiful flowers in April, you should start planting bulbs now. Many flower bulbs need to be in the ground before winter settles in; this helps activate the bulbs’ biochemical process that allows them to bloom. Getting the bulbs into the ground before it freezes allows their roots to grow deep enough to protect them from the biting winter weather. Among the flower bulbs you should plant soon are tulips, daffodils, irises, and hyacinths. CHICKEN WIRE After you’ve planted your bulbs, there’s a risk that uninvited guests will dig them up. There are a few ways you can ensure that your bulbs remain undisturbed throughout the fall. One way is to place chicken wire over your bulbs after they’ve been

KEEP YOUR GARDEN TIDY Once you’ve harvested your best fruits and vegetables, go back through and harvest the rest, even if you don’t plan to eat them. Make sure your garden is clear of old vegetables, fallen leaves, and weeds. Leaving decaying plants in or on top of the ground can spread diseases into the soil and attract unwanted pests to your garden. HEALTHY SOIL Pulling up weeds and all of your vegetables can help keep the earth free from rotting plants, but there are other steps you can take to ensure that your soil stays full of nutrients. Pick up a kit to test the pH levels of your soil. Most gardens thrive in soil with a pH of 6.5. Add compost to your soil supply now to give it time to break down during the winter months.


CARDIO If you love pounding the pavement or just hitting the cardio machines at the gym, odds are you’ve searched for running playlists before. Many of these are great, but some fall short. If you’re looking to build your own specific running list, start with songs that range from 147–160 bpm. Getting something more upbeat like this will help you consistently push your pace and even help release endorphins so you can achieve a great runner’s high. COOL-DOWN One of the most commonly overlooked aspects of a workout is the cool-down. A proper cool-down will not only help you mentally wrap up your workout mindset, but it’s pivotal for injury prevention. The best range for a cool-down is around 120 bpm, but you can also go lower. To find the ideal tempo for your playlists, you’ll want to get the bpm of your music to match the bpm of your heart. There are a multitude of ways to find this, but now that you know the ideal ranges for your exercise, you can start to amass your ultimate workout jams!

As streaming services take over the music industry, the search for the perfect workout playlist is as popular as ever. We have the choice of any song we want right at our fingertips, and the difficult part is how to choose the right music for the workout. Nothing can dry up an intense sweat faster than a slow song. The key to making the right song choices is making sure the beats per minute (bpm) match the intensity of your workout. WARMUP A good warmup is paramount to making sure your workout goes well. This means finding the right music to get your muscles primed and ready to go. When you’re warming up, you want to find something steady that has a solid beat to it. An ideal range for your warmup tunes should be around 115–120 bpm. You want enough energy to get going, but not so much that you overdo it. LIFTING Finding the right bpm for your weightlifting music is a little trickier. If the bpm is too high, you risk speeding up your technique and subjecting yourself to the dangers of poor form. 130–140 bpm is a great range for lifting because it keeps the pace fast, but not too fast.

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