King's Business - 1942-04

April, 1942



Junior King's Business By MARTHA S, HOOKER Member of tacuity, Bible Institute of Los Angeles

suppose you read it, putting your name in place of the ‘all.’ ” Slowly Johnny read, “For Johnny has sinned, and come short of the glory of God,” and his eyes were very thoughtful. “Now the second page is prettier. What does red remind you of?” “Why—fire, I guess,” Johnny re­ plied. “Yes, and it also makes us think s£ blood, too, doesn’t it?” Johnny nodded his head. “The Bible has something to say about this second page, too. Read this verse here in 1 John 1:7 with me. Did you know, Johnny, that the Lord Jesus Christ came down from His home in heaven to suffer, and s h e d His precious blood, to die and rise again, a living .Saviour, that the black sin in your life might be cleansed, as this verse says? He died that you might live.” Johnny’s eyes were dark with inter­ est as Jim went on. “The third page, now, is pure white,” Jim continued. “Do you know what the whitest thing on earth is?” “Snow?” Johnny had once visited his grandmother in Idaho and had never quite forgotten the thrill of the snow. “That’s right. In Psalm 51:7 it says, Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.’ Think of that! The Lord Jesus shed His blood that your sin might be washed whiter than snow and washed away forever. “Now the last page, the gold page which makes us think of gold, of course, is a picture of heaven, the place the Lord Jesus has prepared for those who love Him, and where you may go if you will let Him wash away in His blood that sin from your


J .OHNNY sighed and let his favor­ ite funny book slip from his hands to the step below. His blue eyes were a little puzzled as he watched a green worm inching its way along the ground near the flower *bed. “Wonder what makes me feel so queer?” he muttered uneasily. “Feel like I do when I’ve disobeyed Mom and she looks at me in that disap­ pointed way.” Johnny flushed to think of those times. There had been that same look in the teacher’s eyes that afternoon, too. Johnny really knew what had made him feel so unhappy, and he hung his head at the thought of it. “But all the guys do It,” he said aloud, to assure himself. He looked up the quiet street to see whether Jim was coming yet. But Jim was late to­ night. Johnny liked to come to Jim’s house. It was quiet here and a fellow could have his funny book to himself —unless some of the other boys who liked the Parson, too, came along. Mom thought it was a funny name that they called Jim—“The Parson”— when he wasn’t really a preacher.

“Sure, if it’s a good excitin’ story.” “Did you ever read a ‘wordless book’ ?” Jim asked, dropping to the step by Johnny. “ A whatl" Johnny exclaimed. Sure­ ly Jim must be joking. “A wordless book. A book with no printing or pictures, and yet it has the best story you ever heard. Like to hear it?” “Sure.” “Here it is. The first page is all ’ black. What does b l a c k r e m i n d you of?” “Oh, darkness ’n . . .” “That’s right. And do ycfti know that in God’s Word here, it tells of something that’s blacker than any­ thing else. Do you know what it is?” “ No-o.” “ It’s just a little word, but it means a lot. It is S-I-N. Now anything that we do that, is wrong, as lying*, cheat­ ing, or losing our tempers, is called sin by God.” Johnny wriggled uncomfortably and a slow red mounted in his face, bilt Jim didn’t seem to notice. “Let us look at this verse in Romans 3:23,” he went on. “ ‘For all have sinned, and short of the glory of God.’ Now

But he was going to school at the Bible In­ stitute, and he would be a preacher some day. But he sure was fun — “ a reg’lar fel­ low,” the boys called him. Johnny picked up his f u n n y book and was soon lost in the story of Super­ man. “He l l o , J o h n n y . Whatcha got, a new funny book?” Johnny looked up quickly at the young man coming up the walk toward him, and a broad grin spread over his face. “Yeah, Jim,” he said. “This week’s S u p e r m a n . Boy, it’s sure keen.” “I’ve seen you look­ ing at one before. You certainly like to read, don’t you?”

“ B o y ! ” J o h n n y brea thed excitedly. He hoped Jim would not stop now. “ But b e s t of all,” Jim continued joyful­ ly, “the Lord Jesus, who prepared it for you, is there, and you can see Him! Would you like to receive the Lord Jesus into your heart and have your sins w a s h e d away and then know that you will go to heaven, Johnny?” Johnny w a s v e r y quiet for a moment. Then he lifted his head a n d l o o k e d straight i n t o Jim’s life. Why, it is so wonderful there that the v e r y streets are golden.”

"Do you really mean that? Then let's get right down behind this porch wall . . ." Jim said.

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