King's Business - 1942-04

April, 1942



Golden Text Illustration M ark 11:9

higher ownership, one which takes precedence over all other so-called rights. We do not know who the owner was. He is not named. But he yielded without any further pro­ test his property to the Lord. 4. "Many spread their garments. . . Others cut down branches. . . They that went before. . . They that fol­ lowed" (11:8, 9). The records indicate clearly that a great crowd met and accompanied the Lord on His kingly journey into the city. How does it occur that such a great c r o w d of people happen to be here just at this time, and all quite apparently en­ thusiastic for His claims to be the Messiah? Only the Gospel of John makes this plain: “Much people of the Jews therefore knew that he was there [Bethany]: and they came not for Jesus’ sake only, but that they might see Lazarus also, whom he had raised from the dead” (John 12:9). See also verse 18 in John’s account. It was the great sign of raising Laz­ arus from the dead that brought this multitude together at this place ready to hail Him as the Messiah of Old Testament prophecy (Mk. 11:9, 10).

describes the sepulcher in which His body was laid a few days later — “hewn in stone, wherein never man before was laid" (23:93). In some­ what the same way, the law of Moses speaks of the red heifer sacrifice— “upon which never came yoke” (Num. 19:2). To some these things may seem of small account, but they suggest that the Son of God was “undefiled, separate fnaei sinners” (Heb. 7:26). Although bfpsedly one with us in His perfect huimn nature, He is utterly different from all men in His ways and deeds. No man ever sat where He sat as He rode up to Jerusalem to offer men a kingdom such as no man had ever been able to establish. 3. "What do ye, loosing the colt?" (11:5). This was a perfectly natural question which was anticipated by the Lord. In all lands in every age it .has been a serious matter to lay hands on property which belongs to another, especially when that prop­ erty is an animal.' Christ evidently recognized the right of private posses­ sion, for He tells the disciples what to say to the owner in case of pro­ test: “The Lord hath need of him” (v. 3). And here our Lord asserts a

In September, 61 B. C., the most magnificent triumph ever seen in Rome was given to Pompey. For two days the grand procession of trophies from every land and a long retinue of captives moved into the city along the Via Sacra. Brazen tablets were carried, on which were engraved the names of the conquered nations, in­ cluding one thousand castles and nine hundred cities. This celebration de­ clared Pompey the conqueror of the whole world. Just as the symbols in Pompey’s procession represented far greater glories, so the triumphal pro­ cession of Christ into Jerusalem was but a faint shadow of the final com­ ing of the Prince of Peace, for whom all nations and the wealth and glory of them shall take part in His glori­ ous triumph. And we are glad to be­ lieve the day is rapidly approaching. Adapted from A Modern Cyclopedia of Illustrations, by Hallock. The Children's Hosanna Song M ark 11:1-11 MEM6RY VERSE: “With my song will I praise him” (Psa. 28:7). APPROACH: Were you ever present when a famous person came to town? Did all the people turn out to meet him? Were there flags flying and b a n d s playing? — Was there a pro- S cession w i t h the r» honored one riding ,1 in a fine car? To- l_ day we shall hear D about a very im- ft, portant Person who £ r came to town, and how He was treat- 5 - D i v i s i o n ed. Can you guess who He was? LESSON STORY: One day the Lord Jesus made ready to go into Jeru­ salem. He sent two of His disciples to help with the preparations. They did not go for a fine car, for there were no cars in those days. Perhaps even if there had been, Jesus would not have chosen one, for He was a very simple Person* Great p e o p l e usually are. Jesus sent His disciples for a young colt, and it was upon this that He rode into Jerusalem. The people spread their garments in the way, and branches from the trees, and they cried, “Hosanna; Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord” (Mk. 11:9). Do you know what “Hosanna” means? It means “save, we beseech.” There, were chil­ dren that day in the group that went out to meet Christ. Perhaps they cried “Hosanna” because others were cry­ ing it—perhaps they did not know what they were saying. How sad if the children and older people only said with their lips what their hearts did not understand!

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