King's Business - 1942-04

April, 1942



A careful examination of all the- passages related to this - lesson will show that Judas probably had de­ parted before the bread and wine of the Lord’s Supper was served (cf. Matt. 26:17-35; Mk. 14:10-26; J o h n 13:1-4; 18:1-5). Points and Problems The question as to the exact nature of the --meal our Lord ate with His disciples the evening b e f o r e His death has been the cause of much difficulty and controversy among ex­ positors. Alford lists at least six dif­ ferent views, and seems to conclude that the problem is practically in­ soluble with our present - knowledge. He thinks the meal must have been regarded in some sense a Passover, but is equally certain that it was "not the ordinary Passover of the Jews." With this latter opinion I fully agree for the following reasons: 1. If this meal had been the Jew­ ish ' Passover, our Lord would have been guilty of eating it at the wrong time, and the penalty for this viola: tion of the Mosaic law was to be “cut off” from the people (Num. 9:13) as a sinner. This, would have provided His enemies with exactly the accusa­ tion they needed to decree His death. Such an infraction of the law could not have been kept secre-. for Judas was present at the meal Neither is the opposing argument ■strengthened if, as some teach,' the Jews them­ selves were eating the Passover on the wrong day and our Lord corrected their mistake by eating the Passover twenty-four hours earlier. There is no sure historical basis for this view, but even if it were true, certainly the Pharisees would never have admitted, that Jesus was right and they were wrong. Therefore, the complete ab-. sence of any accusation against our Lord on this point proves that He did

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FEATURES: Introduction and The Lesson Verse by Verse By David J» Fant Lessonsfrom the Lesson ■~-* By Ira E. David The Beginner’s Class By;Eleanor M. Jones' The Primary Class and The Junior Class ./ By Stella M. Rudy The Intermediate Class . . By Maud E. MacPhee The lesson Illustrated . . ’ By Addie B. Anderson ONLY 10c. for complete samples of sound Sunday School papers and quarterlies, including Teachers' FR E E . Catalog of Sunday School and Church supplies CHRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS, Inc. 1507 N. Third St. Harrisburg, Pa. ★ Buy DEFENSE Stamps ★ with the proceeds of Sunflower Dish Cloth Sales. Your group can buy twice as many and gain twice the benefits for your or- . ganization. SAMPLE FREE TO OFFICIAL. SANGAMON MILLS Es*. 1915 Cohoes, N.Y.

While the Passover was a memorial of Israel’s redemption from Egypt, the Lord’s Supper was to be a me­ morial of full redemption, obtained through the body and blood of the Lamb of God. In other words, it was a. reminder of the work of a Person, even the Lord Jesus .Christ. A new covenant was to be introduced, insti­ tuting something entirely new, ' of which the old was a mere shadow. Without t h e substance — the fulfill­ ment—the shadow of course never could be cast. The trouble with Israel lay in the fact that she was, and is, so much occupied with the shadow that she could not, or would not, see any farther. Similarly today we are in need of - a warning lest we, like Israel, become so occupied with rites and forms as to be blind to what they represent. At the Lord’s S u p p e r , both the bread and the wine were offered to and -accepted by the whole company present at that time. All had equal rights; no one class had the first place. It was a new covenant, super­ seding the old, and having deeper meaning than the old. III. T he D isciples (21-30) The self-distrust among the dis­ ciples was revealed when they began to question which of them would be capable of so wicked a deed as the betrayal of their Lord. It is apparent that each of them had misgivings concerning how far his own loyalty to Jesus would go (vs. 21-23). The disciples also showed the atti­ tude of self-seeking and self-suffi­ ciency as they argued among them­ selves which of them should be the greatest in the coming kingdom (vs. 24-30). Jesus again warned-them, as He had w a r n e d them in the past, against the spirit of self-exaltation— that spirit of pride that led to Satan’s downfall and Adam’s alienation, the spirit that afflicts every human be­ ing. The pride that leads to refusing God’s authority, to denying God’s way, and to opposing God’s Word is in the very warp and woof of fallen nature. Only the full and continu­ ous submission of the individual to the Lord Jésus Christ will deliver him from it.

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Open Air Meeting in New York with Mr. Aston speaking HELP REACH THE JEWS for CHRIST! Never before has there been such opportunity to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Jews. Of the 3,000,000 Jews in New York City; many are Hebrew Christian refugees from Europe. A large responsibility for the evangelization of these Jews rests with the New York Jew­ ish Evangelization Society, founded in 1908 by the sainted Dr. Thomas M. Chalmers. We meed your gifts and prayerful cooperation to enable us to procure nriore missionaries to earry on this important evangelistic work. &pnd for our monthly “ Jewish Missionary Magazine.” •Yearly subscription $1. Sample copy 10c NEW YORK J EWI SH E V ANG E L I Z A T I ON S O C I E T Y Rev. Curtis Lee Laws, D.D., LL.D., Pres; / ’ Rev; Frederick A. Astón, A.M.; Director • 56 Sbctmd Avenue, NevvYór N, Y'.‘ ^

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