King's Business - 1942-04

April, 1942



[Look for this Sign o f Progress Everywhere''.



GENERAL CONTRACTORS Since 1900 3407 San Fernando Road Los Angeles, California Phone CL. 63181

We are in our 42nd year of successful building construction. Now working principally on major defense projects. FOR YOUR MISS IONARY L IBRARY GOD’S RAVENS A Story of Life and Work in the Belgian Congo By Julia Lake Kellersberger THE INCENSE-BEARERS OF HAN Stories of twice-born Chinese By James R. Graham, Jr.

Only a missionary gifted with the love of people and the ability to put her experiences into living words could have written such a book as this, so full is it of physical and spiritual adventure, of love and faith and hope. Born in the “Black Belt” of "the South, Mrs. Kellersberger knew the tender devotion of a black “mammy” and carried it in her heart back to her “mammy’s” ancestral people in Africa. Cloth bound ....................... ....... .................................................... $ 1 . 5 0

There is no one better equipped or better able to write a group of in­ triguing missionary stories than Dr. James R. Graham, Jr. He knows, respects, and l o v e s the people of China. Dr. Graham is a real story teller and adds much life and zest to his tales through the use of hu­ mor, human interest elements, and an unusual style of writing. Cloth bound ...... .......................$ 1.00 GOFORTH OF CHINA By Rosalind Goforth A vivid record of a great mission­ ary’s life and work, written by his wife. The name of Jonathan Go­ forth is bound to survive as that of one of the truly great missionaries to the Orient. You will enjoy this record of a devoted s e r v a n t of Christ. Cloth bound .......... $1.50 California patrons plfase add 3 % tax 560 S. HOPE STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIF.

—thankful for the blessing brought to their own lives by what he was, and what he found in God, no less than by his f r u i t f u l labors.” Paper binding...,50c; cloth $ 1.00 C. T. STUDD Famous Athlete and Pioneer By Norman Grubb

HOW I KNOW GOD ANSWERS PRAYER By Rosalind Goforth Here is the personal testimony of one lifetime. Answers to prayer that stimulate faith! Your heart will be touched and stirred as you read this beautifully written and fascinating book. Popular edition, f c lo th ..................................... $ 1 . 0 0

HUDSON TAYLOR’S SPIRITUAL SECRET By Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor “The desire of the writers is to make available to busy people the experiences of their beloved father The epic story of “C. T.” one of Eng­ land’s best all-round athletes, who re­ nounced wealth and position to an­ swer the Call, facing a life of hardship and danger with courage,, self-denial and endurance, first of all in China and then in the very h e a r t of Africa, pioneering for God. C l o t h bound.... ................... $1.50 I I I O L A B O O K B O O H

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