King's Business - 1942-04

April, 1942



fense program. Today with camps spread across the country and closed to miscellaneous religious meetings and evangelistic effort, help by mail is the only effective way by which we can possibly reach any considerable number of men in service.” This work of weekly contact With devotional studies, Bible evangelism, and many other topics is a mighty work and should be upheld by God’s people in prayer. IV. IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN THE SOUTHERN MOUNTAINS. The opening of the public schools of several Southern states to Christian workers has brought hundreds of chil­ dren in the Southern mountains in con- tact with the Saviour. Eagerly the . children and teachers look forward to the gospel song service and Bible les­ son given by feltograph, object lesson, or story. Different Scripture memoriza­ tion programs are used by the various missions, an effective plan being the one used by the Scripture Memory Mountain Mission. In this plan, for five verses memorized, a Gospel, of John is .received; for an additional twenty-five verses, a good New Testa­ ment is given, and for one hundred more verses a Bible is awarded. Then the final reward after one hundred more verses have been learned is a week of Christian fellowship and Bible study at Camp Nathaniel. This offer is to both the grade and high school students. This plan and similar plans are being carried out in south­ eastern Kentucky, Virginia, West Vir­ ginia, and Tennessee. A work similar to this, but among colored children, ■ began two years ago in southeastern Kentucky. Many in these four moun­ tain states are still without the gospel. V. THE BEST SELLER PUBLICITY POSTERS. The Best Seller Publicity Posters are being used of the Lord in a mighty way to bring before the public the Word of God. For example, a drunken man stumbled into a street car and, in his dazed condition, saw the pic­ tured representation of Christ and God’s Word. Though the man’s mind was dulled by liquor, God worked and led him to a mission where he found Christ as his own personal Saviour. Not only have these posters been used in the street cars.but also in libraries, schools, store windows, and churches. The posters are published each month with a new verse and pic- t u r e (two s i z e s , 11x21 and 11x27 inches). Active mission work could be done in your community through these posters. If further information is desired concerning the agencies named in this lesson, it may be obtained by writing to the Editorial Department of THE KING’S BUSINESS, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.


preach the gospel if we have not asked Him to be our own personal Saviour. Below are just a few of the many opportunities to witness for Christ. For Those Who Have Topics I. NEEDED CHAPLAINS IN C. C. C. CAMPS. There is an urgent need today for well-equipped men vho are on fire for the Lord, to work in the C. C. C. Camps. Chaplains have been assigned to a number of camps, but as they have many camps to visit, the boys cannot get the perSoftal contact that they need. Though cared for physi­ cally, many are starving for the Bread of Life. Hi “THE GOSPEL TO THE MAN FARTHEST BACK.” This is the motto for the Northwest­ ern Mountain Mission! whose head­ quarters are in McCall, Idaho. A mis­ sionary, relating one of his many ex­ periences of the work, told of a man he visited, who thirty-six years ago brought his wife and baby into the mountains over a long trail from the outside. The last forty miles were made by pack horse. The quest had been for gold, some of which they, found. They built their cabin and "stayed, but the thing that gripped the Christian worker’s heart was the im­ poverishment of their souls, for the nearest church had never been closer than eighty-five miles. “There has never been a religious service in this district. No clergyman has ever visited us. We’ve invited them, but they never came,” said the pioneer to the mis­ sionary. The work of this and other mountain missions greatly needs the prayer of Christians everywhere. HI. SPIRITUAL AID FOR THE ARMY MEN. Among other forms, of effective tes­ timony to service men, a Bible Fellow­ ship has been started through corre­ spondence to help the men in the Army to build a strong spiritual de­ fense against temptation and sin. This is done by establishing habits of daily Bible study and prayer. In a recent bulletin, Milo F. Jamison, the director of this work, stated, “More than a million and a half men are today in the armed forces of the United States. Most Americans in the tremendous drive of these chaotic days have failed to appreciate the spiritual and moral problems involved in our national de-

GENESIS TO REVELATION In twenty-five story lessons A BIBLi HIGHWAY Charted for boys and girls by Ruth H. Bobb for teachers and parents who desire to present very simply to their chil­ dren a bird's-eye view of the whole Bit>le. Evangelistic emphasis throughout. , To accompany the above an em­ blem chart and 287 pages (S ^ x l!) of beautiful cut-out illustrations : dj-awn by Doris R. Clarkson. Each lesson, if desired, may easily be expanded, thus making A VISUAL AID BIBLi LIBRARY Prices postpaid: Book o n ly ............................. $ 1.00 Book and drawings complete.. $4.50 Published by International Child Evangelism Fellowship 203 N. W abash A ve. Chicago, III. READER, are you interested enough In Biola tc ■*/ natronize King’s Business advertisers? Hooker's Electric Shop will give 10% discount on electrical merchandise and supplies. Call, Write.or Phone TUcker 9976 700 W. Sixth St. Los Angeles, Calif. “ BLISS GOD, AMERICA” and six other NEW Gospel Hymns By GRANT COLFAX TULLAR Per copy, 10c.; 6 for 50c; 15 for $1.00 Send U. S. stamps, coin, bill, or money order, vAddress TULLAR STUDIO orange *,* Js All T M C lT D fiN Í 'P Since Lines IH d l l M i ll Irfi 1900 MINES, MacKEIGAN & MILKER 3757 Wilshire Blvd. LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Room 205 Phone FE. 2139 “CHRISTIAN DEFENSE SONGS” Containing


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