King's Business - 1942-04



April, 1942

truth sweetened by grace; and both of these find their full expression in the Person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ.—Frank Colquhoun. 24. What Do We Hunger For? “And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure” (1 John 3:3). .. It. is always our peril w h e n we hunger for place more than character; for position more than for disposition; for a temporal scepter more than for a majestic self-control. We want to be great and prominent; the Lord wants us to be pure and good.—J. H. Jowett. 25. Contrary Winds “The Lord is nigh unto them that call upon him” (Psa. 145:18). There are those who toil long and faithfully with seemingly no greater result than that obtained by His dis­ ciples that night in the attempt to Cross the Sea of Galilee. But remem­ ber they were rowing in obedience to His command, and at the crucial mo­ ment He met them. . . . Are the winds contrary? Are you pulling against seas that will not yield? He is near-by in the gloom and will reveal Himself to you at His appointed time. “And he went up unto them into the ship; and the wind ceased.”—Selected. 26. Lamps “As a lamp that burneth (Isa. 62:1). Lamps do not talk, but they shine. A lighthouse sounds no drum; it beats no gong—and yet far over the waters its friendly spark is seen by the mari­ ner. So let your actions shine out your religion. Let the main sermon of your life be illustrated by all your conduct. —Charles Haddon Spurgeon.

27. When God Laughs “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh” (Psa. 2:4). i have always been intrigued with the allusions in S c r i p t u r e which speak of the laughing God. There is something profoundly wonderful about them, for they are peculiarly asso­ ciated with the satisfaction of victory over evil. . . . And the children of God are invitéd to share in this laughter. “When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing” (Psa. 126:1, 2). —A London Journalist. 28. Covered Eyes * “Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law” (Psa. 119:18). Dr. Alexander gives the following literal rendering of this verse: “Un­ cover mine eyes and I will look—won­ ders out of thy law!” The last clause is said to be a kind of exclamation after the covering had been removed from his eyes. There are those who complain that they can get nothing from the Bible. Surely it is for no lack of treasures in the Book. . . . God stands ready to remove the dimness of our spiritual vision when by earnest prayer we ask Him to give us illumi­ nation by His Spirit.—Keith L. Brooks. But God “What I do thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter” (John 13:7). I know not, but God knows; Oh, blessed rest from fear! All my unfolding days To Him are plain and clear. Each anxious, puzzled “Why?” From doubt or dread that grows, Finds answer in this thought: I know not, but He knows. —Annie Johnson Flint. Bridal Array “Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the wash­ ing o f . water by the Word” (Eph. 5:25, 26). How far is the desire of His heart satisfied in us? Does He see earnest care on our part to weave in every thought and deed the bridal array that shall be to His glory as well as our joy? Only He can “sanctify and cleanse us through the washing of water by the Word,” but we have to listen to that Word and to translate it into practical action every day of our lives, by His grace. —Mrs. Howard Taylqr. 29. 30.

r 5 r r t o a n y e v a n g e l ic a l I K l L CHRISTIAN MINISTER, Sunday School or Missionary Superintendent,' one copy of “ Opened Windows of Heaven” for- each family in.his congregation, providing he! will agree to give a talk' oil Tithing "betöre” distribution. Write stating denomination and number of .leaf­ lets desired to TITHER, 721K Title* Tnsnrairce* Bldg., Los Angeles, California. Hiheaton Collette

Summer School Mobilizing, for -Victory rwe have accelerated our pro­ gram and added new courses fitting war -needs: . Pilot i

Training, Radio.. Engineering,. War Economics, Chemical Warfare, etc. Regular essential college courses, as well as. practical short c o u r s e s ror Ministers, Teachers, Musicians. ‘‘Wheaton B i b l e Conference” during the Inter-Session—2 weeks —starts June To. Two 4-week terms begin J^ne 27 and July-25. Flail term starts ‘September 12. Bulletin Free-rAddress Knock C. Dyrness. Director Box KB-42

W H EA TO N CO LLEG E, Wheaton, III. Booklets with an EASTEH Message By T. MARSHALL MORSEY, DD. Consider Him My Redeemer..-.......each .15 The Resurrection ................................. ** .15 The-Power of His Resurrection.... M .10 Heay.en O ur^H om e..........«.,...^ ** .10 If a Man Die Shall He Live" Again?, ................................................ 99 .10 Who Shall Roll Away the Stone? 99' .06 Behold My H ands.;,............*............. ** .06 Bates in quantities. THE HARVESTER MISSION 6417 X. Figueroa Los Angeles" Calif. Have You Read the Chaplain's Letter on Page 123?

Less Than Cost To anyoue who will sell, loan or distribute them, we will sell any of the Shadduck *k.s 'at less than the cost of printing, advertising, postage, and office expense. This is possible only because one man, eager to save the failli of confused' people, makes up the loss.' These books are filled with scientific facts, humor, cartoons, and unanswerable , the Bible. You may have 10 books of one kind or 5 each of two kinds for el.OO, 5 books each of 3 kinds for $1.50, 5 books each of 4 kinds for $2.00. For distribu­ tion, we recommend the first 5 listed below. “MISTAKES GOD DID NOT MAKE” Thousands of these books have been given to High school students and it is now going into the sixth edition. Under the sub-title “Methuselah’s Funeral unanswerable arguments are offered.

s is filled with scientific evidence of a personal God that is obvious to- an,v ,'chool boy who observes plants and animals. Many S. S. teachers order them for their classes. « “RA8TU8 AUGUSTUS EXPLAINS EVOLUTION” This is the fun book of the series. Read it and laugh at “educated words” of Rastus, the colored janitor of a college. It is in Negro dialect. “ PUDDLE TO PARADISE” This has been called “the Pil­ grim’s Progress of Modernism.” It is the most unpopular book we have—with teachers of evolution;> It* laughs at the obvious foolishness of the monkey-cousin theory. MViny cartoons.. ’«SEVEN THUNDERS OF MILLENNIAL DAWN” We think no small book has ever been published that will so certainly open people’s eyes- as to the astounding nonsense and dishon­ esty of the founders of the Rutherford's “ Witnesses.” Consider that for’ the price of a big spoonful of ice cream, you: may save the faitli of a student or neighbor. - Be a book missionary. Less than 5 books of the kind you order arc 20c each. There are nine books; you may have all of them and two extra for $2. All books are sent postpaid. The four books not mentioned above are, ‘'Jocko-Homo Heavenbound,” “Toad­ stool Among the Tombs,” ’Allbi-Lullaby-By-by,” and “The Gee-Haw of the Modern Jehu.” HOMO PUB. CO., Ashtabula Harbor, Ohio

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