King's Business - 1942-04



April, 1942

SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NEWS [ Continued from Page 124]

BUYERS ' GUIDE and Classified Advertisements

ture of democracy will not be won by military might alone. The final battleground of the “war of the ideol­ ogies” will be within the hearts and the minds of all the peoples of the world. Democracy will n o t h a v e scored a total victory unless, after the destruction of the dictatorships, it wins the peoples of the world for • This has long been the slogan of the Nazi army. Every soldier must be trained to teach and to preach Hitlerism, as well as to wield a bay­ onet in its advancement. Several mil­ lion Nazi soldiers are stationed in France, Poland, Norway, Greece, and other conquered countries. This army of occupation is constantly engaged in poisoning the minds of the people with anti-Semitism and the other barbarisms of Hitlerism. In total war, an army must fight j with ideas—with propaganda—as well as with bombs and poison gas^ Not all the might of the Nazi military machines could hold the French in subjection, were it not for the fact that the loyalty of large elements of the French population has been un­ dermined by the influence of Nazi propagandists a n d t h e ingenious means of conducting the occupation. An invading force must contrive to control the mind, as well as the mili­ tary fortifications, of the people it designs to enslave. Before the war has advanced much further, it is probable that American soldiers will be spread over all con­ tinents of the globe. In winning the war, it is likely that American ex­ peditionary forces will occupy large areas of the earth. Let us contem­ plate what it would mean if a real revival should sweep our military forces and if we adopted the slogan: “Every Christiah soldier a propagan­ dist—a propagandist for the Lord Jesus Christ!” Then every born-again soldier who occupied Iceland, Japan, or some outpost of South America, Africa, or Asia, would go and function as an evangelist of Christ! Christians should cease bewailing the calamity of this war which came upon us without our wishing it; we should cease to be downcast; we should look Up, and catch a vision of the ,opportunities for world evangel­ ism which lie inherent even in a lime of world war and upheaval. The life of every young Christian. American can count for Christ even as he is required to give it to the- service of his country. the cause of Christ. "EVERY SOLDIER A PROPAGANDIST":

Single Insertions at 5 cents a word; 5 °/o discount on term contracts (W rite for display advertising rates.) THE KING’S BUSINESS

558 So. Hope Street

Los Angeles, California

CHURCH MUSIC L I LL E NA S PUBLISHING CO.. 2923 Troost Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Page 139 TABERNACLE PUBLISHING COMPANY, 360 N. Waller Ave., Chicago, 111. Inside back coveL TULLAR STUDIO, P. Ö. BOX 246-H, Orange, N. J.- Page 152. CHURCH SUPPLIES VICTOR LUSSIER, 2502 NO. RIDGWAY Ave., Chicago, 111. Page 154. METAL ARTS CO., ROCHESTER, N. Y. Page 151. THOMAS COMMUNION SERVICE, BOX 1214, Limg, Ohio. Page 1 54. COIN COLLECTORS GOODENOUGH & WOGLOM CO., 296 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Page 149. COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES,' 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. Pages 137 and 150. BOB JONES COLLEGE, CLEVELAND, Tenn. See back cover. MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE, 153 JNSTI- tute Pi., Chicago, 111. Inside back cover. MULTNOMAH SCHOOL OF THE BIBLE, 703 N. E. Multnomah, Portland, Ore. Page 150. WHEATON COLLEGE, WHEATON, ILL. Page 158. WINONA LAKE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY, Winona Lake. Ind. Page 141. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES HOOKER’S ELECTRIC SHOP. 700 W. Sixth St., Los Angeles, Calif. Page 152, GOSPEL FILMS C. O. BAPTISTA FILM LABORATORY, 325 W. Hurón St., Chicago. III. Page 154. GOSPEL TENTS SMITH MFG. CO.. DALTON, . GA. PAGE 156. GREETING CARDS PEASE GREETING CARDS. INC., 264 Laurel St.. Buffalo, N. Y. Page 145. INSURANCE _____________ MIXES, ^IacKEIGAN & HILKER, 3757 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. Page 152. _____________JEWELER SPIER’S, 634 W. 6TH ST., LOS ANGELES, Calif. Page ¿52. ________ ___ LANTERN SLIDES BOND SLIDE COMPANY. W. WASH- ington St.. Chicago. 111. Page 149. C. WHITFIELD SÎMS. 6176 MYOSOTIS St.. Los Angeles. Calif. Page 143._________ HOTELS « SOUTHLAND HOTEL. 605 S. FLOWER St„ Los Angeles, Calif. Page 151.__ HOTEL WILLARD, 536-540 S HOPE ST., Los Angeles, Calif. Page 156.___________ _ MARKET RALPHS GROCERY COMPANY, LOS AN- gelés, Calif. Page 139.

AGENTS WANTED GEORGE W. NOBUE, 7-C MONON BLDG., Chicago, 111. Page 152. TRIUMPHANT ART PUBLISHERS, AN- derson, Ind., or Sacramento, Calif. Page 155. . ANNUITIES AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY, BIBLE House. New York, N. Y. Inside front cover. THE SALVATION ARMY, 120-130 WEST 14th St., New York, N. Y. Page 151.______ BANKING (SAVINGS) EQUITABLE PLAN COMPANY, 8350 WIL- shire Blvd., Beyerly Hills. Calif. Page 146 BIBLE PICTURES STOREKEEPERS, S-UNDA Y SCHOOL teachers and preachers, be the first to introduce and sell new kind Bible pic- Jnrc to $1.00 Agents wanted. 2835-37 ! Dundas W, Toronto, Ont.,_Canada._______ BIBLES OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 114 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Page 136.__ BOOK STORES BAPTIST BOOK STORE. 352" S SPRING S t. Los Angeles, Calif. Page 156.__ BIOLA BOOK ROOM, 560 SO. HOPE ST.. Los Angeles, Calif. Page 121.___________ BUILDING CONTRACTOR MYERS BROS., 3407 SAN FERNANDO I Road, Los Angeles. Calif. Page 121.______ CHOIR AND PULPIT GOWNS - DeMOULTN BROS. & CO., 1126 S. 4TH ST., Greenville, 111. Page 141. NATIONAL- ACADEMIC CAP & GOWN Co., 821-23 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Page 139, ""CHRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS BIBLE INSTITUTE COLPORTAGE ASSN., $10 No. Wells St., Chicago, 111. Pages 154 and 156. CHRISTI AN PUBLICAaTONS. Inc., 1507 N. Third St., Harrisburg. 1Pa. Pagre 147. ETHEL BELLINGER HANSIAN. 1244 N. Kenmore, Los Angeles. Calif. Page 141. THE HLmVESTER iiss io :H 6417 N. Figueroa, Los Angeles, Calif. Page 158. HOMO PITB. CO., ASHI\ABUL.A HARBOR. Ohio. Pages 145, 154. and 158. . ' - INTERNATIONAL CHILD EVANGELISM Fellowship, 203 N. Wabash Ave.: Chicago, 111. Page .152._______v________ : INTERSTATE EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIA- tion, Inc., 1.270 Sixth Ave., Dept. C, New York> N. Y. Page 153. LIGHT & HOPE P U B L -I C A T i b NS Berne. Ind. Inside_baok cover. ____ :_____ UNTON BIBLE SEMIN7\RY~WESTF1ELD, I . Page 149. ______ • WESTERN BOOK AND TR AOT~?67T INC.. 1719 Franklin' St., Oakland, Calif. Page 154. ZONDERVAN PUBLTSHTNG ; HOUSE. 847 Ottawa Ave., N. W.. Grand Rapids. Mich. Page 159. CHURCH MUSIC GOSPEL MUSIC. 800~K NO. CLARK ST7 Chicago, 111, Page 145. GORDON E. HOOKER, 558 S. HOPE ST., Los Angeles, Calif. Page 141.

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