King's Business - 1942-04

April, 1942



i Around the King's Table LOUIS T. TALBOT, Editor-In-Chief ♦

Headquarters British Guiana Base Command U. S: Army Post Office ; 807, British Guiana OFFICE OF THE CHAPLAIN

cipally to blame. The Jewish faith Is r e p r e s e n t e d by leadership chosen by a united constituency. The Catholics are cohesive and have adequate means of delegat­ ing authority to those whom they choose as their spokesmen. That section of Protestantism which is affiliated with the Federal Coun­ cil has the ear of the govern­ ment, the press, and the radio be­ cause it speaks for a great and . well-organized constituency.” But there are millions of Christians who can have no fellowship with the Federal Council’s leadership, because of the organization’s dominance by men of the higher.critical school who deny the deity of Christ and the blood atonement for mankind’s sjn. In mat­ ters of vital importance, these Bible- believing Christians may soon need to speak with united voice—with es­ sential unity of opinion, but not, of course, an organic union among their various denominational and faith mission organizations or other enter-, prises. To facilitate this group influence, Mr. Wright and a committee of 150 evangelical Christian leaders, most of them executives in their respective denominations and mission boards, have issued an invitation for a three- day conference, April 7 to 9, to be held in the Coronado Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri, under the title of The Tem­ porary Committee for United Action Among Evangelicals. Mr. Wright is chairman of the committee and Ralph T. Davis, 373 Carlton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., is Secretary-Treasurer. What these leaders and their col­ leagues may be able to accomplish, and whether their particular plan is the full solution is a matter for the future to reveal. Certainly the prob­ lem they face is a vital one and mer­ its prayerful consideration on the part Of the Lord’s blood-bought children throughout America! Declaring that he was “convinced we are being prepared for the great­ est missionary advance in the his­ tory of Christianity when this war is over,” Charles T. Leber, Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A., summed up his conclusions following an airplane trip to mission stations Missionary Encouragement from the War

Evangelicals Without Representation

Radio propagation of the gospel on a nation-wide seale is so seriously handicapped by the present system of control of the airlanes that evan­ gelical Christians everywhere should I be deeply concerned. It is regrettable that evangelicals desiring to broad­ cast have found that both the Colum­ bia Broadcasting System and the Na­ tional Broadcasting Company prohibit the use- of their facilities for religious broadcasting except under restrictions which give the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America a virtual monopoly so far as Protestant broadcasting is concerned. J. Elwin Wright, who is bringing this matter to the attention of Chris­ tian leaders in America, points out: “ Under this arrangement, the 20,000,000 evangelicals of t h e country, constituting a group as diverse from the modernists as the modernists are different from the Catholics, are left without a voice.” But Mr. Wright goes on to say: “In fairness to these broadcast­ ing companies we should state that they have repeatedly ex­ pressed their willingness to grant time to the evangelicals when­ ever they get together and pro­ vide some agency to represent them. They point out the obvious fact that they cannot deal with two hundred denominations in allotting time.” The planning of radio programs is not the only subject on which the Federal Council has undertaken to speak for all the Protestants of Amer­ ica. Relationships between the church and the government are becoming in­ creasingly important during these war months. Such matters as policies Which affect missionary passports and visas, by way of example, are of ex­ treme importance to large groups of “Thus far our government has taken no hostile position regard­ ing religion — for that we are thankful. But, innocently or oth­ erwise, it is undoubtedly placing in the hands of modernists, pow­ ers which operate unfavorably for evangelicals. For this situation the evangelicals themselves are prin­ evangelical Christians. Compients Mr. Wright:

The King's Business 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California Gentlemen:

Your card of January 14, tell­ ing me that copies of THE KING'S BUSINESS were being sent, arrived some days ago and yesterday's mail brought the copies mentioned. May we take this means of saying thank you for your kind­ ness and consideration in mak­ ing these fine magazines avail­ able to our men? They are being placed in our reading rooms where all have access to them. May we also ask your prayers for pur work here? God is mak­ ing Himself known in our midst in a new and wonderful way, and we are praying that the fires of genuine revival may break out in the hearts of our men. Again thank you for your thoughtfulness. Very cordially yours, (signed) MARSHALL G. MINES Chaplain, British Guiana Base Command. The above letter tells its own story. It is typical of many oth­ ers that are being received con­ stantly. Who would not wish to have a part in bringing about the “genuine revival . . . in the hearts of our men,” of which Chaplain Mines speaks? S3.00 WILL P R OV I D E FOUR COPIES OF "THE KING'S BUSINESS" FOR USE IN CAMPS OR READ­ ING ROOMS. Gifts of money for this purpose are earnestly sought, because the need is very great. And further names and addresses of military centers which Will re­ ceive and use THE KING’S BUS­ INESS are also desired. Please write today. THE KING’S BUSINESS 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, Calif.

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