The P.E.O. Record September-October 2022

SPECIAL | feature

QUESTION: How many amendments/resolutions were

QUESTION: During debate at convention, what is a Request for Information (RFI) and what is its purpose? ANSWER: The purpose of a Request for Information is to ask a question about the amendment/resolution that is being considered at that time. It must be stated as a question. The answer provided must be factual, not based on opinion or debate. Robert’s Rules of Order, 12th edition (33:6), defines a Request for Information as “a request directed to the chair [president], or through the chair [president] to another officer or member, for information relevant to the business at hand but not related to parliamentary procedure.”

continued... The S&R chair works closely with the local chapter to review and format the proposal. She may suggest some new wording to clarify the intent. She will review the draft amendment to determine if the proposal will necessitate other changes in the

proposed by local chapters and s/p/d boards during the 2021-2022 year?

ANSWER: Thirty-five local chapters proposed 98 amendments and resolutions and executive boards of five s/p/d chapters proposed 23 amendments and resolutions.

same document or in other International documents.

Don’t wait to begin the process! Allow ample time for the exchange of correspondence between the S&R chair and the submitting entity and for “polling” the s/p/d local chapters (vote at the local chapter level to determine if the proposals should be considered at the s/p/d convention). Proposed amendments may be submitted early but deadlines are firm.

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QUESTION: How many amendments/resolutions passed polling (vote at the local chapter level to determine if the proposals should be considered at the s/p/d convention) during the 2021-2022 year? Of those that passed polling, how many were approved at the s/p/d convention? ANSWER: Forty-four of the amendments/resolutions proposed by local chapters passed polling and 43 of those were approved at the

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QUESTION: What is the role of the parliamentarian at a s/p/d convention?

QUESTION: Please clarify the intricacies of the January 1 deadline for approved proposed amendments to International documents or resolutions to be in the hands of the S&R chair. ANSWER: As defined in the Constitution, the deadline for submission of approved proposed amendments to International documents or resolutions to the S&R chair, is January 1 of the year of Convention of International Chapter (CIC). This means the proposal needs to be voted on by the convention of s/p/d chapter by January 1 of the year of CIC to be considered at the International Chapter convention in the fall. Since s/p/d conventions are held in the spring of each year, a proposal must have been approved by the s/p/d convention in the year(s) prior to the year of CIC in order to meet the January 1 deadline. If the proposal is received by the chair after January first of the year of CIC or during the following year, then it shall be acted upon at the next CIC. For example, any proposals to be considered at the 2023 CIC needed to be approved by the s/p/d convention in 2021 or 2022. Any proposals approved at the 2023 s/p/d convention will be considered at the 2025 CIC.

ANSWER: As defined in Robert’s Rules of Order, 12th edition (47:46): “The parliamentarian’s role during a meeting is purely an advisory and consultative one – since parliamentary law gives to the chair alone the power to rule on questions of order or to answer parliamentary inquiries.” In other words, it is the president who is the one who makes the ruling on the matter. The president can take the advice of the parliamentarian or ignore it.

s/p/d convention and will be considered at the 2023 CIC.

Twenty-three of the amendments/ resolutions proposed by executive boards of s/p/d chapters passed polling and 15 were approved at the s/p/d convention to be considered at the 2023 CIC.

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QUESTION: Why are the local chapters not listed as the submitting entity when the amendments/ resolutions are considered at CIC? ANSWER: Once the amendment/ resolution is approved at the s/p/d convention for consideration at CIC, it becomes a proposal of and “belongs to” the s/p/d chapter.

There are several resources available on the P.E.O. International member website that will help you further understand the steps of proposing amendments/resolutions. They include the Constitution, the Manual for Amendments and Recommendations Committees and the Amendments to Bylaws and Standing Rules Flowchart. It is encouraged that members review these documents. The s/p/d chapter A&R committee can also assist with the process.


September–October 2022 | THE P.E.O. RECORD


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