Board Converting News, January 24, 2022

Surviving The Great Resignation BY SUSAN PALÉ You’re probably sick of hearing about The Great Resigna- tion but listen up. Not only isn’t it going away, it is gaining

The Perfect Combo Get Peak Performance From Your Equipment with Matched Component Sets

momentum. Consider the follow- ing statistics from the US Depart- ment of Labor: Three percent of the total U.S. workforce left their jobs in September. That is an as- tonishingly high number. As of November 5, there were 11.2 mil- lion job openings in the United States. That is also a record. Edu-

Susan Palé

cation and health services lost more than 50,000 workers in September. Remember that these are essential workers. About 300,000 women left the workforce in September. These are jaw-dropping statistics. For employers who want to recruit, retain, and expand in 2022, the challeng- es are daunting. There are some actions you should take now to help prepare for the bumpy road ahead that will be 2022. 1. Review Paid Salaries If you typically award year-end salary increases, now is the time to determine whether you’ll award them and the amounts necessary to maintain both external competitive- ness and internal equity. The challenge is that sometimes external competitiveness and internal equity are at odds. For example, entry-level pay has increased 15 percent to 20 percent in many locations, and you may have need- ed to hire at those increased rates. That means some of your longer service employees may require larger sala- ry increases. Across the board year-end increases don’t work well when compensation for certain groups is this volatile. Now is the time to look at other pay increase mod- els, such as equity increases, bonus payments vs. base salary increases, and special incentive programs. Make sure your compensation is and remains competitive. 2. Review Those Bonus and Incentive Plans Too Now is the time to determine whether you’ll pay 2021 bonuses and incentives. If you are a home improvement retailer or sell to a home improvement retailer, chances are you’ve had a good 2021. If, on the other hand, you’re a brick-and-mortar department store, 2021 probably isn’t your best year. The wild economic fluctuations of the last two years make planning difficult but more important than ever. Here are some questions to ask yourself as you begin to set bonus and incentive goals and measures for 2022: • What are the objectives for your plans? Do they com- plement the organization’s business strategy? • How will you pay for these plans? • Do individual goals support business strategy? Do you need to establish new goals/revise existing goals as you develop new products, enter new markets, etc.?

Nothing’s more rewarding

than a couple made for each other. That’s why the engineers at ARC International have focused their skills and talents on crafting perfect

matches between the components that must work in tandem on your exo folder gluers and die-cutters: • Anilox Rollers and Ink Chambers • Anilox andWiper Rollers • Feed and Pull Rollers • Glue andMeter Rollers You can achieve the press speeds and print quality you need to ll your most demanding orders by pairing your team with The ARChitects of Flexo. Contact ARC today to learn how these engineered matches of exo folder gluer and die-cutter components (new or

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