Board Converting News, January 24, 2022

Accurate Box Thrives (CONT’D FROM PAGE 24)

Allies in Productivity Improve efficiency with robotic loadformers by Alliance

Geographic Advantages That mission continues to be successful, as Accurate Box realized it could compete with the integrateds not only regionally but nationally, as well. “In the 1950s and 1960s, Charlie Hirsh could go from loft to loft here in Paterson and there was a different com- pany in every building, but that changed when companies

grew, went out of business or were acquired,” says Lisa. “For us, we sold in the Northeast into the 1990s and we branched out as our customers did. As we developed a bigger sales force, we realized we could economically ship all over the country and in fact, today Accurate Box ships to all but four states.” While some box makers and carton manufacturers try to keep their customers within a certain geographic radius to keep shipping costs from cutting into profits, Accurate Box realized there were economic advantages to being a Northeast-based manufacturer, primarily due to favor- able transportation costs that allow it to ship throughout the United States. Remarkably, according to Schlossman, Accurate Box ships the highest volume of its boxes to Cal- ifornia. “It’s less expensive to ship east to west than it is west to east and it costs less to ship the same order south than it does to ship it north,” says Schlossman. “This being the case, we benefit tremendously. The ‘dollars’ [cost of boxes] we can load on a trailer minimizes the cost of the trailer.” A History of Investment, A Culture Of Success Accurate Box’s transformation into a nationally rec- ognized producer and provider of world-class litho-lami- nation did not happen immediately or without significant investment, which has been an Accurate forte since the early years of the company. Continuous reinvestment is a major priority of Accurate Box and new equipment is al- ways entering its facility. Recently, Accurate Box’s machine investments consist of a new BloApCo waste removal sys- tem, a DPI digital printing press, two Bobst folder-gluers, and a new Koenig & Bauer Rapida press. “We’ve continued to grow and transform because our Accurate Box installed an Alliance Raptor with robotic load- former to manage its high speed box production.

Raptor XR –High-speed flexos –Rotary die cutters –Specialty gluers Raven –Medium-speed, 50-inch flexos

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26 January 24, 2022

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