Board Converting News, January 24, 2022

Accurate Box Thrives (CONT’D FROM PAGE 26)

expansion four years ago created room for new machinery and added capacity. “I feel like you simply can’t stay the same, you have to continue to grow,” says Lisa. “We’ve built a model that we know is successful and we’re continuing to build for the future.” The 4th Generation The future for Accurate Box also includes bringing on the 4th generation. Lisa and Mark’s daughter, Samara Ron- kowitz, is the company’s Director of Sales and Marketing and celebrated eight years with the company this past De- cember. She and Marketing Manager, Kristy LeVan, contin- ue to build the company’s digital presence while maximiz- ing opportunities developed via web site inquiries and the company’s SEO initiatives. The information is shared with Accurate Box’s sales team of 11 – five of whom are based in New Jersey with the remaining six strategically located throughout the country – who service the large regional and national customers that have become Accurate Box’s stock in trade. Ronkowitz shared the news of Accurate Box’s first foray into digital printing. Late last year the company invested in a DPI digital press with the feeder and delivery systems provided by Baysek Machines. “We have been wanting to jump into digital printing, so we are very excited to have added this machine to our facility. We are now able to print up to four colors on one side with litho-lam on the other

investment in the best machinery has made us more than competitive throughout the entire country,” says Schloss- man. “Combined with our ability to produce a great prod- uct, we believe a large part of our success is due to the company culture we’ve helped create through the years.”

That culture is embodied in Accurate Box Company’s 325 employees, who have combined their respective tal- ents to propel the company into a promising future. An A new scrap removal system by BloApCo removes 60 tons of scrap per day from Accurate Box’s production lines


28 January 24, 2022

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