Mental Health & Wellbeing Offer 2023/24


NEW FOR 2024



KiVa is an evidence-based bullying prevention programme that has been developed and evaluated at the University of Turku in Finland with funding from the Finnish government. KiVa was developed by experts who had studied the phenomenon of bullying and its mechanisms for many years. The team was led by Professor Christina Salmivalli and Special Researcher Dr Elisa Poskiparta.

KiVa is one of the most rigorously studied anti- bullying programmes internationally. The programme has been shown to reduce both self and peer reported bullying and victimisation, significantly. KiVa is being used around the world in over 18 different countries. Numerous studies show that KiVa is effective in other countries as well. The Netherlands, Estonia, Italy, Wales and New Zealand are among the regions where research has been conducted and adds to the positive findings about the KiVa programme.

The goal of KiVa is to prevent bullying and to teach how to manage cases of bullying effectively. The programme is based on three main elements: prevention, intervention and monitoring.

In 2011, the Bangor based Children's Early Intervention Trust (CEIT) charity was granted the licence to act as the UK KiVa dissemination agency. Since this time Professor Judy Hutchings and Dr Suzy Clarkson have undertaken a number of evaluation studies and managed the dissemination of KiVa in the UK.

Why and what is KIVA?

The essential elements of KiVa – Prevention, Intervention, and Monitoring

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