FMN | August 20th, 2018

Study Examines Online Shopping

Esko, Pantone, X-Rite and AVT have a new study, Packaging and the Digital Shopper: Meeting Expec- tations in Food & Beverage , highlighting what pri- mar y shopper s want from food and beverage packaging. The study hopes to assist marketing man- agers, design leaders, packaging professionals and tech leaders gain knowledge of shopper’s prefer- ences in packaging within the food and beverage cat- egory, along with the how and why they buy. The study found that only 0.8 of percent primary shoppers have never purchased any food and bever- age products online. Thirty-three percent of those who purchase online cite convenience as a reason and 43 percent of respondents say they shop online to get a better price. Seventy-five percent of shoppers stated they fore- see purchasing more snacks online in the next 18 months Nine percent of primary shoppers say that buying these food and beverages online is not their first pref- erence and they won’t be purchasing this way in the future A key in-store goal for any consumer packaged goods (CPG) company is to get the shopper to actu- ally touch the package.The shopper is more likely to buy a product once they touch it, and how the pack- aging looks and feels in their hand impacts that im- pulse. In-store activities have a big impact on trial, with 20 percent of shoppers reporting that they have tried a new product specifically because of in- store taste samples or an in-store display. Online and offline experiences must mirror each other as primary shoppers expect nothing less from brands.Whether they are purchasing products on the Internet or pulling an item from a retail shelf, the packaging and experience should be the same. Forty-seven percent of shoppers expect the prod- uct image to match the product packaging that ar- rives on their doorstep. Only 9 percent of survey respondents were satisfied with packaging that was a different color of pack type. Twenty-six percent of primary shoppers who had returned product based on the packaging reported that they did so because they thought it looked wrong or was counterfeit. “Data and insights on what shoppers like helps fuel innovative product designs with strong value propositions through packaging, but knowing how shoppers want to receive products is also critical piece of the story,” said Senior Director of Global (Cont’d on Page 6)

4 August 20, 2018 Flexo Market News

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