When on the cross the Saviour was offered intoxicating wine. This was the custom of the Romans. Jesus would not take it. I do not believe that Christ used wine at the Lord’s Supper. The word “wine” is never used with reference to this event. Matthew records Him declaring, “I say uno you I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until the day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s king dom.” Why is it unlikely that the Lord would have used fermented wine ? This was a Passover feast. They were to search the house putting out any yeasted bread. It is highly unlikely that they would have had a high ceremony getting rid of all the yeast only to have a drink that con tained it. It is only yeast which can cause fermentation. During Bible times there were de vout people called Nazarites. They vowed not to touch strong drink. John the Baptist was one of these. It is highly unlikely that our Lord Jesus Christ would establish communion by using a prohibited intoxicant. It is further unlikely that our Saviour, with His wisdom and knowledge, would institute a high act of worship
which would cause others to stumble. He H im se lf declared that there would not be anyone entering into His kingdom who caused other people to stumble. People always bring up Paul’s words to Timothy, “Take a little wine for thy stomach’s sake, and for thine oft infirmities.” Timothy was a devout young man. Paul himself took the Nazarite vow. It is a chemical fact that grape sugar is very close to blood sugar. If the youth had stom ach difficulties Paul would suggest grape juice for extra strength in the time of physical exertion. This was not fermented. History reveals that one of the Greek’s favorite recipes was to take either milk or water and mix it into dehydrated grape juice. It was a spe cial tonic. The fruit of the vine most certainly was preserved without fer mentation. It was done through dehy dration. Alcoholic fermentation will not set up where the liquid is very hot or very cool. This is why we put our milk into the refrigerator. The wild yeast germs or bacteria do not develop and it does not sour. At room temperature it will. Boiling milk will keep it from souring. This is what they did with grapes if they wished to prevent fer mentation. There can be no true and careful examination of Scripture which will support the assumption that the Bible endorses moderate alcoholic consump tion, or that Christ himself ever made such a substance. Some of the worst things they said about our Saviour were the false accusations that He was a gluttonous man and a wine bibber. The Bible teaching re minds us, “Look not at the wine when it sparkles in the cup; in the end it biteth like a serpent and stingeth like an adder.” It points out that “the man who errs thereby is not wise.” May we heed the careful teaching of Scrip ture on this important and vital sub ject. Seek the power of the Holy Spirit to walk in His perfect path way and to help others along the way in the truths of God. 12
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