Biola Broadcaster - 1966-05

assume the responsibilities of a fam­ ily. To not want any children, from my point of view, is to prostitute the ordinance of marriage, refusing the Lord’s exhortation to be fruitful and to multiply. The greatest power God THE FAITH OF A CHRISTIAN The faith of the Christian is simple and sweet, Yet it's precious, more precious than gold. It's faith in the Saviour that makes us complete, And that opens the door to the fold. The faith of the Christian is steadfast and sure, And ‘it holds against tempest and shock. Its sturdy foundation will ever endure, For it's built upon Jesus, the Rock. The faith of the Christian is tender and kind; It's as gentle and soft as a dove. It's home to the homeless, and sight to the blind; It's a marvel of infinite love. The faith of the Christian is tem­ pered and tough. Like a bulwark of steel or of stone. Repelling all onslaughts, no matter how rough, It withstands, though abiding alone. The faith of the Christian is tested and proved; It quite often is tried till it hurts. But, after the battle, it still is un­ moved. Oh, it's wonderful, Friend, and it works! The faith of the Christian is hard to explain; It's not smelled, tasted, felt, seen, or heard. Enduring through the ages, it so shall remain. It's eternal. It's built on the Word! —Alvy E. Ford has given us is to bring a mortal soul, created in His image, into the world. He expects us to use, within the mar­ riage relationship, this holy privi­ lege. To use any kind of prevention

from conception outside the marriage, or to engage in extra marital rela­ tions, or premarital relations, is adultery and fornication. This is sin­ ful, contrary to the will of God, and an abomination to the Lord. There is no such thing as the “new morality.” It happens to be as old as sin. When God is no longer our standard of values and when His Word is not given its rightful place, immorality is rampant. These evil and wicked concepts of our day should be deplored by every true child of God. Only real love is grounded on holiness and the right­ eousness of the Lord. I think of a friend of mine who visited church with one of his friends in the armed forces. The young man apologetically told my friend, “You know, you’ll have to make allowances for the doc­ trines of our old pastor.” “Shall I?” responded my friend. “Oh, yes. You see his doctrine is as old as the hills.” My friend knowingly smiled and corrected him appropriately, “No, it is as old as the One who made the hills.” You see, .the Lord determined the laws of morality; they don’t change. We change, we sin, but there is no new morality. It is just the old immorality dressed up in a feeble justifying garb. May the Lord give us grace in our lives to see and to understand the problems, using that perfect wisdom He has promised to give us by His Holy Spirit. Let us rejoice in the blessing of our homes, ordained of the Lord, where we might share to­ gether themanifold grace of God. * * * Maybe some people who talk by the yard and think by the inch ought to be moved by the foot. * * * Nothing lies outside thereach of prayer except that which it outside the will of God.

Nothing is more displeasing to God than complaining saints.


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