Tier there. A woman .told me, “You know, I don’t have very much rela tionship with my son. He looks like the man who left me. He has a gruff voice like his father and in too many ways reminds me of him. It is hard for me to love him.” This is unfor tunate. The mother needs to ask the Lord to forgive her and to give her divine love for the boy. We should recognize that a child who needs love the most is sometimes the one who will apparently, on the surface, reject it.
In the Greek there are three words for love. Eros is that which is base and sometimes even sensual. This is the type of love about which the sen timental and fickle songs of the world are written. The next is philos which is a love of kindredship and interest. Hence stamp lovers are called “phi latelists.” The highest form of love is expressed by the word agape. This represents the full embodiment of God’s divine love for us, even though we are so unlovely much of the time. One of the questions we have re ceived is from parents who are con cerned about their child’s problem of stuttering. Some speech therapists be lieve that stuttering can be the result of too much pressure exerted by par ents. They will continually correct a child, having him say things over and over again, until he gets them cor rect. If he doesn’t articulate properly and tensions are created, the end re sult could be a problem with stutter ing. If this happens, put on no pres sure at all. It would be well to seek the help of an expert in this field to render specific suggestions to help you and your loved one. Be sure to let the child know you love him and that these things will pass away in time. Do not embarrass him. Try to make him feel as much at ease as possible. Many of life’s problems can be cor rected through love and understand ing. Project yourself into the place of the child and see how you would feel. To be sure, children need to be corrected and disciplined. At the same time, however, they need love, encouragement, appreciation, accept ance, approval and security. If there is something the child can not master, then point up the area in which he does excel. This will build confidence in himself. How we can thank the Lord for His grace and love. Let us ask Him for that wisdom which He has promised to give liberally. Let us not be doubt ing as a wave of the sea driven by the wind and tossed. Come in confidence and assurance to th e Lord for strength and unfailing guidance.
NO HANDS BUT OURS Christ has no hands but our hands To do His work today; He has no feet but our feet To lead men in His way. He has no lips but our lips To tell men how He died; He has no help but our help To bring them to His side. We are the only Bible The careless world will read; We are the sinner's gospel, We are the scoffer's creed. We are our Lord's last message, Written in deed and word; What if the type be crooked? What if the print be blurred? What if our hands be busy With other work than His? What if our feet be walking Where sin's allurement is? If our lips be speaking Of things His lips would spurn? How can we hope to help Him, Or hasten our Lord's return?
It has been shown that when a little child begins to deceive there is a reason for it. He wants to gain a higher status with those whose love he desires. Ask yourself, “What is there in my life which may be creat ing tension?” The Lord will reveal this to you if you are honest with Him and yourself. How we as parents need to learn to be patient, kind and tenderhearted. Remember how that while we were unlovely in ourselves, Christ died for us.
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