all, for God “is not willing that any should perish,” but that all should come to repentance. Salvation there fore is unto all, but that doesn’t mean that it is necessarily upon all. It is imperative to receive salvation by faith through grace. Q . San Francisco, Calif. — “I ’d like to hear a discussion on the Lamb’s Book of Life. When are our names written in it?” A. This is found in Revelation 21:27. The Book contains the record of every soul who has been saved, is being saved, and will ever be saved from the foundation of the world (Eph. 1:4). Read the sad narration in Revelation 17:8 and see those whose names were not written in the Book of Life. Those who are eternally lost do not have their names written here. They have rejected God’s light and love. Q . Silverton, Ore. — “Isaiah 7:15 is a verse on which I would like help. Didn’t Christ know what was evil and what was good since He knew all things?” A. This portion does refer prophet ically to our Lord Jesus Christ. Cer tainly the Saviour knew all things in His divine consciousness. Remember, however, that He also had a human consciousness. Notice the words of
Luke 2:52. The Lord had two natures embodied in one person. He was the blessed, beautifully integrated person ality, all God and all man. From His human side, the Bible tells us that He advanced in wisdom. Q . Portland, Ore. — “Do you know how many times this phrase ‘the people forgot God’ appears in the Old Testar ment?” A. It does, not appear as such in the Old Testament. The past tense, “have forgotten God” is found between 15 and 20 times. This is an important warning for all of us to consider care fully. Paul reminds the Christian at Rome of those who, “Because that when they knew God, they glorified him not as God . . . God gave them up to uncleanness.” The Lord’s Spirit is not always going to strive with man. God has given over some to “a repro bate mind, to do those things which are not convenient." What a tragic thing it is for a person or a nation to forget God. Q . La Mirada, Calif. — “Could you please explain Deuteronomy 15:26?” A. This portion deals with bringing the tithe and the increase of the seed to God’s sanctuary. When an individ ual Israelite lived away from Jeru salem, as did the majority of them in ancient times, they were not able to come three times in a year bring ing all of their goods and animals. For this reason they were to convert their tithe of these things into money. When they got to Jerusalem they bought the animals needed. That is why our Lord rebuked them since it had become such a money proposition. They had made His Father’s house a den of thieves. Perhaps our question er is particularly concerned with the mention of wine and spending money for strong drink. This is not a matter of imbibing for pleasure’s sake. We believe the only kind of temperance is total abstinence. Proverbs tells us, “Look not upon the wine while it is red.” This refers, however, to sinful indulgence. 25
Planning for an ever-increasing student enrollment are two of Biola's administrative leaders. Dr. J. Richard Chase (left). Academic vice president, and Mr. William Carden, director of Admissions. Pro jections reveal that in the next few years Biola will have to prepare for several hundred more students who will be seeking enrollment.
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