Biola Broadcaster - 1966-05


The Perils of Alcohol by Dr. W . Robert Smith

W ithout question , one of the greatest problems which plagues not only the American home but also our entire nation is alcoholism. By conservative estimate there are some five million alcoholics in our nation. Some compute the figure as high as eight million. This is not something about which only Christians are con­ cerned. The secular world is very aware of the insidious creeping dis­ ease which is spreading rapidly. We should understand that a per­ son so addicted has become a slave to alcohol. To be sure such practice is sinful, but the situation nonetheless calls for love and patience on our part. In addition to seeking to understand them we must also, by the grace of God, try to help them overcome the tragic difficulty. As Christian parents we must be able to communicate the problems and dangers to our children so that they will resist the temptations through the power of God’s indwelling Holy Spirit. Moody Press has published an ex­ cellent book, “God is For the Alco­ holic” by a former alcoholic, the Rev. Jerry Dunn. He was once addicted to

drink and had to leave his family when he spent time behind jail doors. He points out that once a person has become addicted to drink he can never touch it again. He is now working with alcoholics in Omaha and has a wonderful m in is tr y among them. Those of you who have loved ones who have become ensnared in this wicked tool of the devil will want to secure this publication. Rev. Dunn points out that there is a need to understand the nature of the addiction as well as the back­ ground and psychology of the person. An alcoholic becomes so enslaved that he will lie, cheat, turn on his dear ones, and generally do anything to get liquor because of his craving. While he may feel self-condemned he will still proceed to hurt and hamper those he loves just for another drink. In a practical vein, many loving wives want to know how they can help their husbands who have the problem. They wonder if it is best to leave them. Sometimes it is, because of the intolerable situations which exist. If there are children in the home, they should certainly be considered. Many have been the heart-breaking experi

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