
COMMUNAUTÉ • COMMUNITY Students rewarded

Photo Candice Vetter

Students at Cambridge Public School in Forest Park celebrated their final day of the school year with an awards ceremony on June 27. Here the award winners show off their medals. Awards were given out for English, French, Academic Achievement, Character Always, Extraordinary Achievement, and Sportsmanship. Shown are: Front Row: William Tjepkema, Mila LaPierre, Sam Haynes, Isabelle Ranger, Morgan Johan- son, Cameron Benoit, Megan Smyth, Noah O’Meara, Alex Picard; Middle Row: Jas- mine Dicaire, Ruby Hustins, Saamiya Montmorency, Scott Perry, Dylan Bolton, Sarah Mathez, Jessica Potter;Back Row: Caleb Wilson, Madison Johanson, Kassandra Ste- venson, AnyaYakovlev, Kaedyn Boucher, Audrey Seguin, Emily Ukena, Avah LaPierre, Julia Murton, Zachary Bernert. Mother Teresa students enjoy Fun Day

Photos Candice Vetter

Jenna Borer wowed friends with her hula hoop skills at Mother Teresa Catholic School’s year-end Fun Day on Friday, June 21 at the school in Russell. Other activities included bouncy buildings, sidewalk games, parachute silk activities, and several sports.

The children laughed as they hid under the parachute silk.

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