
Santa Claus Here comes This Christmas, give the gift that keeps on giving

Subscription services are popping up in every niche under the sun and creating a whole new world of gift-giving possibili- ties. From the practical to the downright strange, you could easily find a subscrip- tion to dazzle everyone on your shopping list. Need some ideas? Read on. One type of subscription service that’s ex- ploding in popularity is the monthly box model. The idea: each month, the recipient gets to discover a curated selection of pro- ducts according to a predetermined theme.

In other words, you can subscribe someone to just about anything: beauty products, baby and maternity items, craft supplies, underwear, tea, specialty foods, craft beer and gaming gear are just a few examples of products you can have delivered to your friends and family. You can also go the traditional route with a magazine or newspaper subscription. Physical items aren’t the only thing you can sign up for: think specialized cable channels, music and movie streaming services or

season passes for concert venues and amu- sement parks. And for the practical-minded, why not go with a monthly or yearlong public transit pass, or even a subscription to a roadside assistance service?

In short, with a bit of imagination — and research — you’ll definitely be able to find the perfect subscription to please your bro- ther, mother or significant other!

Joyeux Noël à tous nos clients!

Tables • Chaises • Barbecues Vaisselle • Nappes • Location de kiosques 613 443-3482 Téléc. : 613 443-0906


EMBRUN Les membres du Club Richelieu Embrun vous souhaitent Joyeux Noël et bonne année 2017. Une année s’est écoulée, une autre frappe à la porte. Nous profitons de ce temps des Fêtes pour remercier la communauté de son appui lors de nos activités de cueillettes de fonds


Votre résidence de distinction

«Le Genesis» vous offre un environnement enchanteur et chaleureux où vous pourrez vivre un quotidien agréable et échanger avec des gens qui partagent vos valeurs.

La direction, le personnel ainsi que les résidents désirent vous souhaiter un temps des Fêtes mémorable !

Benoit Marleau 1003, ch. Limoges, Limoges, ON K0A 2M0 Tél: 613 443-5751 Fax: 613 443-9940 •

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