Annual Report 2023 - new.indd



untitled_ Conference Impact: The untitled_ Conference emerged as a pivotal moment for 40 young leaders whose callings were mobilized and ignited during the event. This invite-only conference for young adults who have participated in the Generation Distinct program propelled these leaders toward a deeper understanding of their purpose and empowered them to make a lasting impact in their respective spheres of influence. Gospel Outreach through Cohort Initiatives: The ripple effect of our Cohort graduates has been nothing short of extraordinary. Hundreds of new individuals have had the opportunity to hear the Gospel through the initiatives launched by our dedicated cohort graduates. This not only speaks to the effectiveness of our training programs but also highlights the profound influence our community exerts in spreading the Gospel in every sphere of society. Looking Ahead: As we step into the coming year, the momentum built in 2023 propels us forward with a sense of anticipation and commitment. Our mission to empower the next generation to ‘discover the wrong they were born to make right’ remains at the forefront, and we are excited to continue making a lasting impact on individuals, communities, and nations. We extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who has been a part of Generation Distinct’s success story in 2023. Together, we are shaping a future where purpose-driven leaders transform the world in the name of Jesus. Here’s to a new year filled with even greater Gospel advancement through young, passionate leaders like Jorden, Navaeh, Jairo, Isa, and Olivia. YOU are bringing the Gospel to the nations through giving to this vision and we are forever thankful for your partnership in this work. Happy New Year! With gratitude,

“Together, we are shaping a future where purpose-driven leaders transform the world in the name of Jesus.”

Hannah Gronowski Barnett Founder and CEO Generation Distinct


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