CCI-Review - 2020/2021 - #1

… the Stages of Our Lives

cial gatherings of up to ten people. Although this was a welcome change, Boards and Managers had to re- main alert to the impact that such gatherings may have on their corporations, including gatherings on the common elements. The other notable impact to condominiums of mov- ing into Stage 2 was that water recreational facili- ties, including all swimming pools, could be opened. Again, however, the decision to open up a swimming pool at a condominium was not an easy one and often came with a need to prepare additional safety policies and procedures to en- sure conformity with the local Health Unit guide- lines as well as waivers and indemnity agree- ments. At the same time, similar considerations were being made for contractors working on site, all the while balancing the day to day operations of the condomini- um.

need to ensure the meetings are held in a manner that is compliant with the local Health Unit protocols.

Looking Forward:

It is clear that the impact of each stage of the Prov- ince’s reopening on condominiums has been signifi- cant in their own way. As we move forward, Boards and Managers will have to continue to work tirelessly to educate themselves, work with their professionals and keep the lines of communication open between themselves and their residents. If a condominium has not done so already, we urge them to undertake a comprehensive risk assessment, taking into consideration the lessons learned from each stage to date and prepare a safety plan for future emergencies. Doing so while continuing to look to directives from the various levels of government and health agencies will be the key to keeping residents of all condominiums informed and safe, regardless of what lies ahead. -KSK

Stage 3:

As the London and Area region moved into Stage 3 of the reopening of the Province on Friday, July 17, 2020, again, it a double-edged sword for many condo- miniums. While some corporations are moving full steam ahead with capital projects and maintenance work, they are still having to ensure that the proper safety protocols are being met, which is a time con- suming task as each stage brings with it an evolving set of criteria. In addition to this, some corporations are still having to grapple with difficult decisions related to reopening amenities. This has been quite a complex task for many Boards as condominiums are often required to be less permissive than the Province to ensure that the safety of their residents is maintained. Not surprising- ly, many owners take issue with such decisions. Recently, mandatory mask policies while on the interi- or common elements of a corporation have also be- come a critical issue to be addressed by Boards in mul- tilevel condominiums in order to ensure the safety of the community, all of which take time and consulta- tion. Lastly, with the increase in social gatherings of up to 50 people indoors, some Boards are working to sched- ule in-person AGMs, which is filled with its own host of issues due to the lack of rentable space and the

2020/2021 - 1 — 19

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