CCI-Review - 2020/2021 - #1

… Chapter Communiqué

receiving our communiqués. Where not everyone wants to receive our emails, it is important that at least one email for the corporation is provided to receive communiqués, If you are receiving our communiqués and would prefer not to please advise the Administrator by email. PROFESSIONALS & BUSINESS PARTNERS New condominium developments are appearing in virtually every area of our city and counties surrounding. It is important for us to connect your businesses with those who are making decisions in the condominium communities, network with other business leaders and share information with other suppliers to the industry. Please feel free to share CCI with your colleagues and others who may benefit from this association.

Coming Soon...


A video series is being created to share condo- minium topics with you by professionals who serve in our communities. They will be expanded over time. Notification of online availability will be sent to the members through an Email Com- muniqué.

Complimentary copies of the CM Magazine , a publication from the Association of Condominium Managers of Ontario (ACMO), is sent out to all CCI individual, professional and business partner memberships. As well, the contact person on our record for the member condominium corporations will receive a bulk mailing equal to the number of directors on the board to be distributed to their colleagues. CCI is responsible to provide the labels to the distribution company from the updated membership listings – therefore, it is important that we are notified whenever there is a change on the board and we receive those changes with thanks.

2020/2021 - 1 — 5

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