Career Services
APEGA provides members with professional development, mentoring, and career resources to support them in becoming well-rounded professionals and understanding their regulatory obligations.
Our professional development (PD) opportunities focus on our members- in-training, professional members, and unemployed members. As new members to the professions, engaging members-in-training (M.I.T.s) early and often is key to supporting them in developing successful careers. In October, we held our first M.I.T. bootcamp, which focused on regulatory, career, and business topics for emerging professionals. Based on the positive feedback, we will expand
this to an Emerging Professionals Conference in 2020 that will include university students. We also enhanced our offerings to provide members with a broader selection of regulatory PD sessions. With the economic downturn still affecting many of our members, we developed sessions focused on helping members find employment, and we offered discounts to unemployed members for all of our PD sessions.
Recognizing that many do not have the time to commit to a formal, one-year mentoring program, we expanded the program to offer shorter and informal mentoring opportunities, such as networking events, rapid resumé reviews, and mock interviews. These have been met with positive feedback, encouraging us to expand them in 2020.
As many of our applicants are newcomers to Canada, we partnered with the Bredin Centre for Learning to connect with these future members. In November, we hosted a panel of internationally trained APEGA professionals to share their experiences and provide advice on adjusting to the professional landscape in Alberta.
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