Buchanan 401k Enrollment Booklet - English

How to register for your plan Page 3

Enroll today!

The first step in your journey to retirement is enrolling in your organization-sponsored retirement savings plan. Simply review the following forms and instructions and submit the completed documents to your plan administrator. You can also access plan and account information online by visiting TA-Retirement.com. Our website provides up-to-date information, helpful tips, and interactive tools to help you improve your retirement readiness, including a complete set of investment fact sheets. Our automated telephone system also offers direct access to your plan account information. Call 800-401-8726 to access the system 24 hours a day, seven days a week. First-time callers are prompted to enter their Social Security number and their temporary personal identification number (PIN). Your temporary four-number PIN is your birth month and day (MMDD). A birth date of April 1 would be entered as 0401. Our mobile app, My TRSRetire , lets you put your plan in your pocket. And no matter how you access your account, you'll always know Your Retirement Outlook ® with a personalized "weather icon" (rainy, cloudy, partly sunny, or sunny) that makes it easy to see if your strategy has you on course toward your retirement income goal—or if you need to take action. Remember, it’s never too early or too late to save for retirement. We’re here to help you start saving today for a more enjoyable tomorrow.

Start today Page 9

Determine your savings goal Page 13

Match your risk profile and investment

choices Page 15

This material was prepared for general distribution. It is being provided for informational purposes only and should not be viewed as an investment recommendation. If you need advice regarding your particular investment needs, contact your financial professional.

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