Welcome to Buchanan Hauling 401(k) Plan Enroll today!
Online Registration Instructions
Please Note: You can enroll today or any day in the future. Generally, the contribution you elect will go into effect on the plan's next entry date; however, you will need to check with your employer to find out the exact date your payroll deductions will start. Refer to your enrollment workbook or Summary Plan Description for your plan's specific entry dates.
To enroll online sign in to: TA-Retirement.com
In order to enroll online you will need to provide us with your current e-mail address. If you do not have an e-mail address you can enroll via the telephone. Please refer to the telephone instructions on the next page.
l Click on the First time user? Register here link located on the top left-hand corner of your screen within the "Your Account: LOGIN" section.
l Select "I am an employee" and click Continue.
l Enter your Social Security Number and click Continue.
l Enter your Date of Birth and ZIP/Postal Code and click Next.
l Create your own unique Username and Password and click Next.
l Read and Review the site Terms of Use. If you agree to the terms, please click Agree If you do NOT agree, do not click Agree and call us at (800)-401-TRAN (8726). l Read and Review the Consent to Do Business Electronically agreement. If you agree to the consent, please click Agree If you do NOT agree, do not click Agree and call us at (800)-401-TRAN (8726) l From this point forward follow the simple online instructions which will help you to set up or make changes to your contribution rate, investment choices, and future contribution elections. l If you decide to opt out of automatic enrollment, you will need to change your contribution rate to 0%. l On the Welcome to Plan Enrollment screen, please click on Start
If you cannot enroll online, please see next page for Telephone Enrollment Instructions.
By completing the enrollment process online, you are authorizing payroll deduction of plan contributions. Authorization of plan contributions constitutes a "cash or deferred arrangement" under section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code and such contributions are subject to the withdrawal restrictions of the plan. Contributions made to the plan are subject to certain limitations imposed by Federal law and these contributions may be refunded to comply with these laws. By submitting this authorization online, you understand that neither Buchanan Hauling & Rigging, Inc., the plan trustee, their affiliates nor their investment choices are liable for any loss when acting upon your instructions believed to be genuine.
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