Blue Diamond Almond Facts November-December 2022


Each year I have the privilege of recognizing one Blue Diamond member for outstanding service and unwavering commitment to the overall success of the Blue Diamond cooperative. This year’s award goes to a grower who has been an excellent representative of California agriculture and of the almond industry, in particular. This grower’s family joined Blue Diamond as they planted their first orchard in the early 1980’s. Today, their three Blue Diamond contracts in Merced and Madera counties are all enrolled in OSIP at Triple Diamond levels. And they frequently host tourist groups to explain the benefits of production agriculture in California.

In addition to his commitment to sustainability and excellence as a Blue Diamond member, this grower has held numerous leadership positions in the ag industry and throughout his community. I am thrilled to name Dan Clendenin as this year’s recipient of the Chairman’s Ambassador of the Year award. Congratulations, Dan, and thank you for your contributions to Blue Diamond .

I wish you and your families a safe and healthy holiday season.



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