04:05 Issue 4



“Significant for payroll is the diversity of knowledge areas covered—technology, tax, employment law, and more.”

Choosing Payroll as a Career When I began my journey in payroll last century, payroll wasn’t seen as a career path to discuss. Often, payroll chose you, rather than the other way around. But this is changing, with more people actively choosing payroll as a profession. In Sweden, for example, our higher vocational school programs for payroll professionals stand out compared to others, and the number of applicants is rising. Moreover, the employment rate for graduates is nearly 100%, and most remain in payroll for years after graduation. The Diverse Expertise of Payroll Professionals Significant for payroll is the diversity of knowledge areas covered—technology, tax, employment law, and more. Payroll professionals are expected to not only master these areas but also embrace technology and uphold compliance. The truth is, payroll often has the facts readily available. Taking Pride in the Payroll Profession Fifteen years ago, in Sweden, an organization was founded by like- minded payroll professionals with the goal of enhancing the payroll industry and its practitioners. We’ve made significant progress since then but we must continue moving forward.

To elevate the profession, we need to take pride in payroll as a career. This mindset is essential for challenging the misconception that payroll is less valuable—a perception that still exists at times. Recognize your competence and help uplift others. Remember, nobody puts payroll in the corner!

Author: Zennie Sjölund

Zennie Sjölund is a well-known and highly respected figure in Global Payroll. She is the Sweden-

based Divisional Director Payroll of Srf konsulterna - the association of Swedish Accounting and Payroll - and has 20 years of payroll industry experience with a special focus on payroll intelligence and trendspotting.

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