04:05 Issue 4



oner’s Perspective: in the Persistence of Payroll

By Christine Stolpe

“That’s the night that the lights went out in Georgia!”

These are the song lyrics that reverberated in my head throughout the first half of 2020 when every payroller around the world had to quickly pivot the standard operating procedures in order to continue getting employees paid. And when certain employee populations were considered essential, there were additional premiums, bonuses and incentive pay that payrollers had to keep track of for tax purposes. Added to all of this were the emergency measures enacted by the different levels of governments that those in payroll were expected to learn, understand and implement in a very short amount of time. These are the reasons that a certain song kept playing in my head throughout the first half of 2020.

“There will always be a new tax, a new benefit, a new law or a new reporting requirement that causes management to lean on payroll… not lean-in to payroll, no, no… but to lean ON payroll to make “IT” happen.”

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