04:05 Issue 4



Getting Off The Uphill Payroll Cycle

Author: Joe Green

The sight of highly paid financial professionals hard at work is thankfully a common site in most businesses. But in more cases than anyone would like to admit, those trained and certified individuals are often engaged in highly manual, process-heavy workflows, many parts of which could be achieved by anyone with basic computer skills. The Payroll functions are a good case in point. In many companies, a highly complex and operationally fragile set of procedures exist that must be gingerly stepped through each pay cycle. These are processes in which policies, rules, and exceptions are carefully applied, with the resulting figures carefully checked and double-checked before the budget holder finally approves the pay round and instructs the bank. “It almost feels like programming. You have to understand the rules and configure the rules to do the calculations,” said Judy Barnett , Operations Director at ADP , in a recent conversation with Tech Wire Asia .

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