04:05 Issue 4



Natalie Turner

Kevin Waller

One late summer afternoon in London town, we gathered a few of our favourite UK payroll people for a very welcome catch-up and a jolly glamorous photoshoot. For The September Issue, we wanted to encapsulate the enthusiasm, energy and sense of camaraderie that make the payroll community so special. We’ve had another challenging year and it was such a pleasure to capture these moments of celebration to hold up as an example of what we would love to see National Payroll Week become. You’ll know many of these faces from GPA events and webinars and you will come to know some of them through their words in the pages of this magazine in the months ahead too. Part of our ethos for 04:05 is to bring payroll professionals together. To pool ideas and knowledge, allow individual voices to be heard and carve out a space for us to share our wins. We want you to be excited about what the future could hold and by learning more about our peers we can inspire one another. National Payroll Week should and could be a fabulous celebration that everyone wants to be a part of because this industry is a wonderful place to be, thanks to the people who populate it!

Bob Rehill



How are you celebrating Payroll Week?

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