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less than a block down from the municipal PGàDFPO/PUSF%BNF4USFFU JTUPPTNBMM now to accommodate both the ambulance units and all the support equipment which the station now has. A new, and larger, station will be built on a municipal lot on /FX:PSL$FOUSBM"WFOVF 5IFNVOJDJQBMCVEHFUIBT million allocated for construction of a new ambulance station. Township administra- tion has recommended contracting the consultant firm, Colliers International, to act as project manager. The next step is to decide on a contrac- tor to build the station, based on the budget allocation.


Russell Township will have a new ambulance station soon. All that is left to do is to find a contractor to build the structure. As one of its last items of business before the summer break, township council BQQSPWFEBSFDPNNFOEBUJPOBOECZMBX from administration for Russell Township BOEUIF6OJUFE$PVOUJFTPG1SFTDPUU3VTTFMM 6$13 UPTJHOBZFBSMFBTFBHSFFNFOU for use of the new paramedic/ambulance station which the township will build. The existing station on Industrial Street,

Daoust announced to local media, right after the Canada Day long weekend, that he plans to run for township council in this fall’s municipal election. The 21-year-old &NCSVOSFTJEFOUXPSLTPO1BSMJBNFOU)JMM  at present, as a parliamentary assistant to 1BVM-FGFCWSF -JCFSBM.1GPS4VECVSZ i*WFBMXBZTIBEBQBTTJPOGPSQPMJUJDT since I was 11,” said Daoust, adding that IFVTFEUPMJWFJOUIF4VECVSZBSFBBUUIBU time and he remembered reading a book EVSJOHDJWJDTDMBTTPOUIFIJTUPSZPG$BOBEBT prime ministers. “I would re-read that book until I had it memorized, and then I was hooked,” he said. “They were big people who had big ideas about doing something for Canada.” Daoust’s decision to run for council was also inspired by a recent online rating that 3VTTFMM5PXOTIJQSFDFJWFEBTCFJOHUIF UIJSECFTUQMBDFUPSBJTFBGBNJMZ)JTHPBM now is to see Russell ranked as the best QMBDFUPSBJTFBGBNJMZ BOEIFCFMJFWFTUIBU with his bachelor’s degree in business, his CBDLHSPVOEBOEDPOUBDUTPO1BSMJBNFOU)JMM  he is well equipped to do that. “I think we are on the right track to be /VNCFS0OF uIFTBJE #FTJEFTNBLJOH3VTTFMM5PXOTIJQ/VN - CFS0OFJOUIFNJOETPGGBNJMJFTMPPLJOHGPSB QMBDFUPMJWF %BPVTUTPUIFSFMFDUJPOJTTVFT

Nicolas Daoust wants to make Russell Township the number one choice for families looking for a place to live in Ontario. Getting a seat on township council is part of his plan for making that happen.

Nicolas Daoust sollicite l’un des sièges au conseil du canton de Russell. —photo provided

Prochainement, une nouvelle station paramédicale, plus grande, remplacera l’édifice actuel de la rue Industrial à Embrun. Le conseil de la municipalité a approuvé un règlement pour un bail avec les comtés en vue de la construction d’une nouvelle station paramédicale sur un terrain municipal de l’avenue New York Central. —photo Gregg Chamberlain





AVIS EST DONNÉ QUE le Conseil de la Corporation du Village de Casselman a adopté le 26 e jour de juin 2018, le Règlement n o 2018-050 conformément à la partie 2(1) de la Loi de 1997 chap. 27 sur les redevances d’aménagement, tel que modifié; ET AVIS EST DONNÉ QUE toute personne ou organisme peut faire appel à la Commission des affaires municipales de l’Ontario conformément à l’article 14 de la Loi sur les redevances d’aménagement, en déposant un avis d’appel précisant l’objection au règlement ainsi que les motifs de l’objection, le ou avant le 6 e jour d’août 2018, auprès de la greffière adjointe. L’annexe des redevances d’aménagement imposées par le règlement, qui est entrée en vigueur le 27 juin 2018, est la suivante :

TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Corporation of the Village of Casselman passed the Development Charges By-law No. 2018-050 on the 26 th day of June, 2018 pursuant to section 2(1) of the Development Charges Act, 1997, S.O., 1997 c.27, as amended; AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or organization may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board under Section 14 of the Act, in respect of the Development Charges by-law, by filing with the Deputy-Clerk of The Corporation of the Village of Casselman on or before the 6 th day of August, 2018 , a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the by-law and the reasons supporting the objection. The schedule of development charges imposed by the by-law, which came into effect on June 27, 2018 , is as follows:

ANNEXE “B” Règlement no 2018-050

SCHEDULE “B” BY-LAW No. 2018-050


M2 de surface de plancher Non résidentiel




Logements individuels et jumelés

Appartements – 2 chambres et plus

Appartements Garçonnière et 1 chambre

Autres Multiples


Single and Semi-Detached Dwellings

Apartments - 2 Bedrooms and Larger

Apartments - Bachelor and 1 Bedroom

Other Multiples

Per of Gross floor area (GFA)

Services d’égouts (Zone de drainage 13) Services d’égouts (sauf la Zone de drainage 13)

5 817 $

2 831 $

2 609 $

4 380 $

18,77 $

Wastewater Services (Drainage Area 13)






Wastewater Services (excluding Drainage Area 13)






6 107 $

2 972 $

2 738 $

4 598 $

19,69 $

Water Services





$ 6.88

Services d’eau

2 342 $

1 140 $

1 050 $

1 763 $

6,88 $

Total - Water and Wastewater Services (Drainage Area 13)






Total – Services d’eau et d’égouts (Zone de drainage 13) Total - Services d’eau et d’égouts (sauf la Zone de drainage 13)

8 159 $

3 971 $

3 659 $

6 143 $

25,65 $

Total -Water andWastewater Services (excludingDrainage Area 13)






8 449 $

4 112 $

3 789 $

6 361 $

26,57 $

Aucune carte n’est fournie car le règlement s’applique à tous les terrains de la Corporation duVillage de Casselman.

A key map is not provided as the by-law applies to all lands located within The Corporation of the Village of Casselman. A copy of the complete by-law is available for consultation at the Town Hall of the Village of Casselman, 751 St- Jean Street, Casselman, Ontario K0A 1M0 during regular business hours (weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) excluding statutory holidays.

Une copie intégrale du règlement est disponible pour consultation à l’hôtel de ville du village de Casselman au 751, rue St-Jean, Casselman, Ontario K0A 1M0, durant les heures régulières de bureau (8 h à 16 h) excluant les congés fériés.

DATÉ à l’hôtel de ville de la corporation du village de Casselman, Casselman, Ontario, en ce 10 e jour de juillet 2018.

DATED at The Corporation of the Village of Casselman offices, Casselman, Ontario, this 10 th day of July, 2018.

Linda Desjardins-Bergeron, CPA,CGA Greffière adjointe

Linda Desjardins-Bergeron, CPA,CGA Town Deputy-Clerk

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