
Obfuscation Reference 27

If false, this optmize rule is not applied to members of the element.


All (without arguments) Assembly (with /type or /namespace argument)

4.1.7 Make internal feature Instruct the obfuscater to include or exclude a type or namespace in the make-internal process. This process changes the accessibility of included types to internal.


Obfuscation(Feature="make-internal", Exclude=true|false) Obfuscation(Feature="make-internal /namespace: [/strict:true|false]", Obfuscation(Feature="make-internal /type:", Exclude=true|false)

Abbreviated format

Obfuscation(Feature="make-internal /n: [/s:true|false]", Exclude=true| Obfuscation(Feature="make-internal /t:", Exclude=true|false)

Other attribute properties


If true, the element is not name made internal. If false, the element is made internal.



Targets Class, Interface, Struct (without arguments) Assembly (with /type or /namespace argument)

4.1.8 Seal feature Instruct the obfuscater to include or exclude a type or namespace in the seal process. This process changes the makes included types seal for improved safety and

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