King's Business - 1948-11

been obliged to defer present furlough plans until 1949. Edith went to A frica in 1916, and is living in Kericho, Kenya Col­ ony, E. A frica; Albert and Evelyn Dick-Classen, both of the class of ’46, have recently met with a serious motor accident. A1 had a narrow escape from death. They are located at Igbaja, Nigeria, B. W. Africa, and are serving under the Sudan Interior Mission; Clayhole, Ky., boasts, in a late issue of the Brethren Missionary Herald, of a new bell atop their church, the gift of friends. A nice dinner followed its dedica­ tion at which Ralph Colburn ’40, Evelyn Fuqua ’46, Sewell ’29 and Hazel Hulburt-Landrum ’26, and others had a beau­ tiful and heart-warming fellowship; Clyde Landrum ’29, held a short series of meetings the theme of which was “ Clayhole for Christ.” Herbert W. ’26 ’27 and Doris Myers-Cassel are happy to be reunited with the entire family living again in Jalapa. There have been days of great stress because of ill­ ness o f the children, but Doris reports all are well again; Roy V. Nelson ’40, is pastor of the First Baptist Church, 555 W. Seventh St., San Pedro, Calif. Seven new members have been added to the membership roll. The minute sermon fea­ tured in his church bulletin is, “ If you’re too busy to pray, you’re too busy.” Bernice Herr ’42, Aberdeen, S. Dak., is un­ der appointment to serve the Lord under the A frica Inland Mission, destination and date of sailing as yet undetermined. Timothy Pietsch ’33, working in Tokyo under the Scandi­ navian Alliance Mission Board, 2839 McLean Ave., Chicago, 111., has been called home by his board to present the dire needs and wonderful opportunities for the preaching of the Gospel to the people’ of Japan. New missionaries are ready and waiting to go, but the housing problem there is so great that many of them are obliged to wait until this immediate, and urgent, need is met. Another of those friendly missionary farewell prayer meetings sponsored by Pastor-President Talbot was held in the Church of the Open Door for the Pagard family who are leaving for Africa in the near future. Bertel ’27, has served sixteen years in Africa, fifteen of which he was station su­ perintendent. He showed interesting pictures o f the natives among whom he has been working, and brought a challenging message of the need for God-called missionaries of the cross to work in Swaziland. Mrs. Pagard followed with a touching presentation of the need for workers among the colored people, the offspring of natives who are married to white prospectors, oil workers and soldiers. These children arq con­ sidered outcasts and have been entirely without religious teaching until the Pagards organized a work for them. Neil and Mary Pagard are enrolled at Biola; Kenneth has been taken into the home of the missionary-minded Witt family o f Glendale where he will attend high school. Kathleen and Koreen will return to A frica with their parents.


“Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with sing­ ing” (Psa. 100:1, 2). Helen J. White ’20, beloved by Biola Family Circle through her long association with Biola as secretary to the dean of men, is closely confined to her home at 1910 Atlantic 'Ave., Long Beach 6, Calif., where she is caring for her in­ valid mother. Helen is vitally interested in Circle news and has sent many interesting items from various fields. Everett E. Bachelder ’36, Wasilla, Alaska, writes inter­ esting letters about his work among the inhabitants o f that much neglected land. He has taken many journeys o f hun­ dreds o f miles by dog sleds, and made contacts with unsaved adults and children, many o f whom have never heard o f Christ. There are no dull moments in the life of this fellow-laborer in the Lord’s vineyard since he was called into this wonderful service in Alaska! Dr. Karl D. Hummel ’18, Mrs. Hummel ’19 (Guelph Mc- Quinn), Dean A. J. Anderson ’23, ’24, Mrs. R. H. Gould (Ruth Zimmerman ’35), Herbert W. Cassel ’26, ’27, Frank D. Bundy and Marilyn Winther all members o f Biola Family Circle were among those who attended the recent conference of the Cen­ tral American Mission Conference held in Guatemala City, Guatemala. There were 63 missionaries in attendance who came by auto, plane, truck, train, motorcycle and mule! The youngest in attendance was 21 years of age; the oldest was 84! Gne had served on the field three days; three looked back on 46 years of consecrated service, and one honored woman who has had 50 years o f service, still takes her three-weeks’ trip on mule-back. What a record! What a time o f blessed fellowship they report! Tordis Christoffersen ’29, Chez Mille Reynes, St.. Perey, Ardeche, Prance, relates the overcrowded condition o f politi­ cal prisoners, and many life convicts still confined in local prisons. However, the encouraging aspect o f the situation is the way God is working there in real revival power. Hun­ dreds of the prisoners are attending the meetings. Two pris­ oners, both condemned to die, were chained together for twen­ ty days. One o f them was converted; soon the other came into a like marvelous experience. They were then separated and sent to different prisons, where both are by life and testimony winning others to Christ. Two Jewish people living in homes were recently brought into faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour, and have been baptized. Tordis finds many opportunities in surrounding villages and towns, and begs our fervent prayers. Barbara A. Bunn ’47, has joined the staff o f the Kansas City Bible College, Dr. Walter L. Wilson, President, as College Librarian; Eleanor Fairchild ’48, is now in Italy, and may be addressed at Casa Materna Orphanage, Corso Garibaldi 35, Portici, Naples, Italy; Celia Douglass was married to Phil Mendenhall in Sierra Madre, Calif., Sept. 5th; Amy Cosand and Edwin Knapp both of the class of ’41, and serving the Lord under the Orinoco River Mission in Venezuela are soon to be married. The O.R.M. has moved its headquarters office to 30 N. Raymond Ave., Pasadena 1; Marjorie Hunt ’47, after a busy summer at Camp Wycliffe in Canada, is preparing to take up translation work in Mexico; Edith Harris ’16 has Page Fourteen

The Pagard Family

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