King's Business - 1948-11

believed. It is not confined within the limits o f any one country, or pent up within the pale of any particular forms or outward government. In it there is no difference between Jew and Greek, black man and white, Episcopalian and Presbyterian—but faith in Christ is all. Its members will be gathered from north, and south, and east, and west, in the last day, and will be of every name and tongue—but all one in Jesus Christ. This is the only Church which is truly apostolic. It is built on the foun­ dation laid by the Apostles, and holds the doctrines which they preached. The two grand objects at which its members aim are apostolic faith and apostolic practice; and they consider the man who talks of following the Apostles without possessing these two things to be no better than sounding brass and a tink­ ling cymbal. This is the only Church which is cer­ tain to endure unto the end. Nothing can altogether overthrow and destroy it. Its members may be persecuted, op­ pressed, imprisoned, beaten, beheaded, burned; but the true Church is never altogether extinguished; it rises again from its afflictions; it lives on through fire and water. When crushed in one I land it springs up in another. The Phar­ aohs, the Herods, the Neros, the Bloody Marys, have labored in vain to put down this Church; they slay their thousands, and then pass away and go to their own place. The true Church outlives them all and sees them buried each in his turn. It is an anvil that, has broken many a hammer in this world, and will break many a hammer still; it is a bush which is often burning, and yet is not consumed. This is the only Church of which not one member can perish. Once enrolled in the lists of this Church, sinners are safe for eternity; they are never cast away. The election of God the Father, the continual intercession of God the Son, the daily renewing and sanctifying power of God the Holy Ghost, surround and fence them in like a garden en­ closed. Not one bone of Christ’s 'mys­ tical body shall ever be broken; not one lamb of Christ’s flock shall ever be plucked out of His hand. This is the Church which does the work of Christ upon earth. Its members are a little flock, and few in number, compared with the children of the world: one or two here, and two or three there—a few in this parish and a few in that. But these are they who shake the universe; these are they who change the fortunes of kingdoms by their prayers; these are they who are the active workers for spreading the knowledge of pure religion and unde­ filed; these are the life-blood of a country, the shield, the defence,. the stay, and the support of any nation to which they belong. This is the Church which shall be truly glorious at the end. When all earthly glory is passed away then, shall this Church be presented without spot before the Father’s throne. Thrones, I principalities, and powers upon earth T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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