King's Business - 1948-11


shall come to nothing; dignities and offices, and endowments shall all pass away; but the Church o f the first-born shall shine as the stars at the last, and be presented with joys before the Fa­ ther’s throne, in the day of Christ’s ap­ pearing. When the Lord’s Jewels are made up, and the manifestation of the sons o f God takes place, episcopacy, and Presbyterianism, and Congregationalism will not be mentioned; one Church only will be named, and that is the Church of the elect. Reader', this is the true Church to which a man must belong, if he would be saved. Till ‘ you belong to this, you are nothing better than a lost soul. You will have the form, the husk, the skin, and the shell of religion, but you have not got the substance and the life. Yes; you may have countless outward privi­ leges: you may enjoy great light, and knowledge but if you do not belong, to the body of Christ, your light, and knowledge, and privileges, will not save your soul. Alas, for the ignorance that prevails on this point! Men fancy if they join this Church or that Church, and become communicants, and go through certain forms, that all must be right with their souls. It is an utter delusion, it is a gross mistake. All were not Israel who were called Israel, and all were not members of Christ’s body who pro­ fess themselves Christian. Take notice, you may be a staunch Episcopalian, or Presbyterian, or Independent, or Bap­ tist, or Wesleyan, or Plymouth Brother —and yet not belong to the true Church. And if you do not, it will be better at last if you had never been born. If we do hot have the Spirit of God, it were better to shut the churches, nail up the doors, put a black cross on them, and say, “ God have mercy on u s!” If you ministers have not the Spirit of God, you had better not preach, and you people had better stay at home. I think I speak not too strongly when I say that a church in the land without the Spirit of God, is rather a curse than a bless­ ing. If you have not the Spirit of God, Christian worker, remember that you stand in somebody else’s way; you are as a tree bearing no fruit standing where another fruitful tree might grow. .This is solemn work; the Holy Spirit or nothing, and worse than nothing. Death and condemnation to a church that is not yearning after the Spirit, and cry­ ing and groaning until the Spirit has wrought mildly in her midst. He is here; He has never gone back since He de­ scended at Pentecost. He is often grieved and vexed, for He is peculiarly jealous and sensitive, and the one sin never forgiven has to do with His blessed person; therefore let us be very tender towards Him, walk humbly be­ fore Him, wait on Him very earnestly, and resolve that there should be noth­ ing knowingly continued which should prevent Him dwelling in us, and being with us henceforth and forever. Charles H. Spurgeon. THE NEED OF THE HOLY SPIRIT

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