50,000 SALESMEN WANTED Do you want a bigr-profit, dignified opportunity r i g h t n o w ? Bring NBIBLES, RELIGIOUS BOOKS, etc. to hundreds of thousands of homes. ^Build good will in your community. Best proposition in U. S. Big com« missions if you act now. Write for
Cff/ACOG catalog and details. WESTERN ART STUDIOS Dept. 81-RB 257 So. Spring St., Los Angeles 12, Calif. YOU CAN WIN SOULS TO CHRIST WITH GOSPEL FILMS Send for free booklet today explaining. It will be a revelation to you. Also free booklet describing the revolutionary lifetime MIRACLE SOUND PROJECTOR that does not wear out; quiet as a clock; needs no oiling; has no belts; needs no servicing; trouble-proof. C. O. BAPTISTA FILMS. Sunnyside Avenue, Wheaton, 111. T E L L . O T H E R S e Use Christmas tracts and cards to "tell the world" of Him who was born to save the world. (Jno. 3, 16). Order your supply early; avoid last minute rush. Send 25c for BIG Sample Pack. $1 for 200 different tracts. Write today. FAITH, PRAYER & TRACT LEAGUE 1016 Nth St., N.W ., Dept KB, Grand Rapids, Mich. LINDA VISTA BAPTIST BIBLE CO L LEG E AND SEMINARY Liberal Arts Theology Christian Education APPROVED FOR VETERANS Dormitory Housing for Both Married and Single Students Available Immediately Catalog on Request SAN DIEGO II CALIFORNIA ERICK PETERSON First-Class Shoe Repairing 5062 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles 16 (Formerly 730 W. 6th St.) Tel. WEbster 0404 5,000 W orkers WANTED to sell Bibles, Testaments, good books, hand some Scripture mottoes, Scripture calendars, greeting cards. Good commission. Send for free catalog and price-list. George W . Noble, The Christian Co. Dept. 7C, Pontiac Bldg:., Chicago 5. 111. FOR INFORMATION ON INDIA FOR INSPIRATION FROM THE MISSIONARY MINISTRY THERE DARKNESS'AND LIGHT Quarterly organ of the CEYLON AND INDIA GENERAL MISSION 128 South Lombard Avenue Oak Park, Illinois CHURCH BULLETINS Spiritual —Artistically Designed Large Assortment^—Self Selection Lithographed — Special Days General Use Be Sure to Get Our Free Catalog and Samples ECCLESIASTICAL ART PRESS Kept. K Louisville 12, Ky.
aVrer U
Men have written books o f instruction dealing with every phase o f life. So for the Christian life, God has given us His Word that we may know how to live here and how we shall live hereafter. By centuries of experience it has been well established that God’s Word is true and that those who walk by it save them selves many tears and prevent many sins. God’s Word is God’s book of in structions fo r His children on earth. 1. We Need the Bible For Light Psa. 119:130 We would not know what is right or wrong, what is good or bad, what is profitable or injurious were it not for God’s precious Word. The laws o f our land are based upon the principles found in the Scriptures. The Bible pro motes everything that is good and de nounces everything that is evil. It has every encouragement to give to the one who obeys but offers only sorrow to those who disobey it. We could not know God except for the Scriptures. We can only understand death and the grave through its sacred pages. 2. We Need the Bible For Life John 5:24 All men and women are naturally dead in trespasses and sins. God calls but they do not answer. God speaks but there is no response. God commands
but there is no obedience. In every way, men and women prove that they are dead to God but at the same time quite alive to the call of this world and the demands of sin. Those who hear the Word and believe its message receive the gift of eternal life. 3. We Need the Bible For Living Jer. 15:16 Life is very complex. On every hand there are calls for our time, our affec tion, and our money. We must live in relationship to others. Some we like and others we do not enjoy. We must constantly be engaged in earning our living and some enterprises are cer tainly not from God. So we find that we need true guidance and counsel in walking through this wilderness thicket. The precious truth o f God meets all of our need. Every relationship is covered by the teachings in its sacred pages. 4. We Need the Bible For Instruction John 17:8 We need to be taught God’s ways and God’s will. We need to study God’s work as well as His Word. We have the privilege of knowing God through His outdoor book—nature—and His in door book—the Bible. We need to be instructed in regard to godly living, for sin is rampant in and around us. Only the Word o f God can enlighten us in this dark vale o f tears. 1. The Bible Liveth and Abideth 1 Pet. 1:23 Other books come and go but the Bible remains the most popular book in the world. The sayings of great men fade from memory but the statements of this book are engraved in stone, in scribed on. monuments, preserved in mottoes, and cherished in hearts. The statements o f this book fit very blessedly into every situation and every condition T H E KIN G'S BUSINESS
December 12, 1948 THE BIBLE'S SIGNIFICANCE TODAY Psa. 119:105; 2 Tim. 3:16
The Bible is surely the universal book. It is referred to *in Congress. It is used in the speeches o f politicians and in the advertisements of food products. Its principles guide our lawmakers; its truths direct our educators; its prom ises comfort the suffering, and its gos pel saves the lost. It directs the think ing of its enemies in many instances and it shines the brightest where it is loved the least. It is God’s universal gift to men everywhere.
The V i r g i n B i r t h "A book well worth reading and passing on." — Sunday School Times. Price .15—$1.50 per dozen "The Holy Spirit," "God's Con tracts," "Noah's Ark," "Two Trees in Eden," "Roots, Fruits and Suits" ALL 6 FOR $1.00 Humberd Press, Flora, Indiana
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