that may arise in human life. It never grows old or stale or ineifective. It is God’s antidote and preventive for man’s evil. 2. The Bible Is Quick and Powerful Heb. 4:12 There is some instruction in the Scripture fo r every problem that arises. The Spirit o f God brings it quickly to the mind and to the heart in order to prevent evil and to promote righteous ness. The very presence of the Bible has a sanctifying effect on the life. It is most difficult to continue the card game, the obscene story, or to smoke the cigarette if the Bible is opened on the scene. When the Word of God is believed, then hearts are changed and lives are transformed. 3. The Bible Increases Acts 6:7 Although we have 66 books in our Bible and it is a complete Bible, still it may increase. It grows in its distri bution in individual lives as its truths unfold. For instance, John 5:24 is printed on the page, but it is also mem orized by many so there are many times John 5:24 and not just one. No person or government could root Christianity out o f the earth because it is embedded in the hearts of multitudes. 4. The Word of God Grows and The Bible grows in its influence, for millions o f copies are being circulated constantly. It is multiplying in its effect because constantly new servants o f God are going out with its testimony and making known its truths. It grows in the mind and heart of the believer as he sees and understands more and more of the great truths that are there. The Bible cannot be hid. It is the book o f the world. It is the one unchanging and unchangeable revelation o f God’s heart to us. Let us seek to know it better and to love it more. So often the Psalmist said, “ O, come let us sing a new song.” It is most appropriate and desirable that we do so. The great God o f heaven,- the won derful Saviour of men, the precious Holy Spirit, in all their diverse deal ings with men, should receive back from our hearts songs, psalms, and melody. It has been ordained that the joy of the Lord should be our strength. Sing ing Christians usually conquer. Singing saints are victors over Satan and his devices. “ 0 , come let us sing.” 1. A New Song Comes From a New Experience Acts 15:1 Israel had been delivered through the Red Sea. This called for a Hallelujah chorus. Why should the Israelites not sing? God had performed a miracle. A nation was- bom in a day. The enemy N O V E M B E R , I 9 4 8 Multiplies Acts 12:24
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was punished. The new nation entered into a new experience o f leadership and o f God’s wonderful care. David, too, frequently sang because o f his many ex periences o f God’s care, gracious pro vision, and wonderful protection. Those sing most who have had the greatest deliverances. Those sing best who have been saved from the worst: 2. A New Song Comes From New Love Psa. 100:2 Lovers like to sing. Many love songs are international in scope. The radios fill the air with the songs o f those whose hearts desire the love o f others and give of their own love lavishly. Lover’s songs stir the heart to love. So it is with the believer. Those who love Christ the best sing the most. Those whose love fo r Christ is the dearest sing
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