the song that is sweetest. Let us fill the courts o f heaven with our songs of love and praise for our wonderful Re deemer. 3. A New Song Comes From a New Vision Luke 2:13, 14 Great visions produce great emotions. These are expressed by the heart in song. Some of our great hymns are the result of great visions of the Person and work of Christ Jesus our Lord. Those who see the most sing the loud est about it. David’s sweetest songs were written after his wonderful meet ings with God in the woods and caves and on the battlefield. As he saw God’s delivering hand, he sang the songs about God’s wonderful love and grace. 4. A New Song Comes Because of the Spirit’s Presence Fph. 5 :19 One of the marks and proofs of the ungrieved presence o f the Holy Spirit is found in the song of the heart when He is near. Spiritual Christians are singing Christians. The Spirit removes the burdens from the heart so that the song may be sung. The Spirit gives a clear vision of God’s path so the shadows flee away. The Spirit removes doubts and fears so that the heart is happy and gladness fills the soul. Spirit- filled people are happy people who bear fruit for God. when there is suffering and fear. The guide is the peace of the traveler who is lost in the forest. The life guard is the peace of the swimmer when he is in danger of drowning. So the presence of the living Lord Jesus in the heart and life brings the peace that passeth understanding to the soul. 3. His Presence Brings Courage Matt. 28:20 We live in a world that is hostile to God. Many of those who professedly honor God hate His Son. Some of those who professedly honor the Father and the Son hate the Holy Spirit. Some who professedly honor all three reject the Bible. In the midst of all this antag onism we need the consciousness o f the presence -of our living Saviour. The knowledge that He is there enables us to enter boldly into the fight o f faith and the battle with the forces of dark ness. He is able. 4. His Presence Brings Hope Col. 1:27 If Christ dwells with us now we may be sure that we shall dwell with Him after while. If we give Him the throne o f our hearts down here, He will let us sit with Him on His throne over there. If we honor Him in this life, He will honor us in the next life. If we confess Him before men here, He will confess us before angels around God. Let us promote the precious presence of God every day of the year. T H E K IN G 'S B U S I N E S S
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“ THE VOICE OF THE ANDES” 156 Fifth Avenue, New York 10, N. Y.
Your heart will be warmed by Eddie's story on Page 12.
December 26, 1948 KEEPING CHRISTMAS ALL YEAR LONG Isa. 11:1-9; 61:1-3
The joy o f having Christ is a constant joy which never fades. The conscious ness that our lovely Saviour has been raised from the dead to be our living Lord is God’s panacea for human ills. This truth Comforts the sorrowing and cheers the sick. It brings peace to the troubled mind and the broken heart. It fills the soul with radiance. Christ dwelling in the heart gives heaven the year around and fills the life with buoy ant hope. This is God’s plan for daily living. 1. His Presence Is Salvation Psa. 42.5 (margin) The consciousness that Christ is near is enough to fill the soul with satisfac tion in regard to the problems of the day and the sorrows of the night. The consciousness.o f His own powerful pres ence relieves the fears concerning ene mies and the distress concerning condi tions. The heart may be kept in per fect peace ■when the great God of heaven is near. The life may have quiet repose when the Lord of the sky and the God o f thunder is present. He loves and He cares. This is enough. 2. His Presence Brings Peace John 20:19 When Paul said “ He is our peace,” a great truth was unfolded to our hearts. We find this truth all through life’s maze. The mother is the peace of the child when the child is in danger. The doctor is the peace of the patient
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