King's Business - 1948-11

Christmas Program Helps FOR THE SUNDAY SCHOOL NO ROOM IN THE INN, by Wm. M. Lessel. An effective presentation with a definite appeal. Easy to produce. Requires 2 major, 10 minor characters, and 20 minutes. Three scenes, but one setting. Depicts visit of Shepherds and Wise Men. Per copy 35c THE SHEPHERDS LIVE AGAIN, by Wm. M. Lessel. Action takes place in Sunday school classroom and open field at night. Calls for 12 characters. A good message. Per copy. 35c CHRISTMAS PROGRAM HELPS, by Wm. M. Lessel. A group of 25 original recitations ideally suited for Beginner, Primary, Junior and Inter­ mediate departments, plus two pages of songs written for Christmas use. Per copy 2lic George S. Schuler. 14 songs that may be um .%1 singly or as a Christmas Cantata.. 7 by 10 inchds, 16 pages, per copy 4Uc SPIRIT in Gospel Harry Dixon Loes From your religious bookstore or THE CHRISTMAS Solos and Duets, by

Pointers on the Lesson, H om er A. K e n t , T h .D. Helps fo r the Children, A ll iso n A rrowood

Lesson material is based upon, outlines of the International Sunday School Lessons copyrighted by the International Council of Religious Education; used by permission.

December 5, 1948 HISTORY IN THE NEW TESTAMENT Acts 1:8; 4:1-4; 13:2, 3; 16:9, 10; 28:16, 30, 31

Pointers on the Lesson The New Testament contains the most important history in the world be­ cause it records the beginnings and progress of the Christian church. The Book of Acts is the outstanding his­ torical document of the early churches. Some of the historical aspects o f the books are presented fo r this week’s study. We begin with the first chapter of the book and conclude with the last chapter. History of Origin, of Apostolic Commission (Acts 1:8) How very timely it was that Jesus told His disciples what He expected of them just before He ascended - to Heaven! The unfinished work of Christ was to be completed by His followers. They were to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth. A witness is expected to tell what he has seen or experienced. The word witness is very prominent in the New Testament, appearing about 175 times. Witnessing is the business of every believer until Christ comes again. History of First Persecution (Acts 4:1-4) Faithful witnessing for Christ is cer­ tain to bring an unfavorable reaction in a world controlled by "Satan. We see this in the beginning days of the church. Peter preached two sermons; all the disciples ' bore witness to . what Christ had done for them; and then Satan’s emissaries got busy. It is always so. Where the work of God is being done, the devil is always on hand to combat it. History o f Beginning of First Missionary Journey (Acts 13:2, 3) From this brief passage we learn that the Holy Spirit is behind the work o f missions. He initiated the going forth of Barnabas and Paul. It is suggested in this Scripture that in a spiritual church, there is always hearty co-opera­ tion between the church and the Spirit N O V E M B E R , 1948

o f God in the matter of evangelization. The Spirit in the instance before us in­ dicated His will (2 ); the church re­ sponded, and sent His servants away (3 ). It should always work out this way. History of Call Into Europe (Acts 16:9, 10) The gospel is not in any sense pro­ vincial. Wherever men are in sin and need a Saviour, there the gospel is to be preached. Much profitless speculation might be indulged in as to just how the vision appeared to God’s servants and how the man of the vision spoke. The main thing is that a need was revealed and God’s call seems to have consisted in the presentation o f that need. Does this not help us definitely in the con­ sideration of the nature of a call? History of Paul’s Experience in Rome (Acts 28:16, 39, 31) Imprisonment does not necessarily mean stoppage of gospel witnessing. Sometimes untoward circumstances turn out to the benefit of the gospel. The Word of God cannot be bound (2 Tim. 2 :9 ). Ofttimes a more forceful witness is borne against a background of trial and suffering. Wonderful things took place for the gospel while Paul was in Rome under guard of a Roman soldier. Trial may give wings to gospel wit­ nessing.

i h t t 222 E. Willow


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CLUES— A BIBLE QUIZ (Answers on Page 26) Are you a good “ Scripture sleuth” ? Can you identify the Bible characters indi­ cated by the following clues?

1. A shipwreck....................................Malta 2. Pillars ......................................Blindness 3. Expu lsion ........................................ Fruit 4. Mount Sinai........ Ten Commandments 5. A sycamoretree............................... Little 6. A prophet ................... .Lamentations 7. A physician.......................Book o f Acts 8. A kiss.............................Pieces o f Silver 9. The Isle of Patm os............ Revelation (More clues in the December issue)

10. T w in s ............................................ Hairy 11. A w h a le ....................................Nineveh 12. Locusts, wild honey........ “ Repent ye” 13. A pit ............................................ Egypt 14. Supplanter.............................A ladder 15. Handwriting.............................A feast 16. Martyr ......................................Stoning 17. A eunuch .................. Baptism 18. Two spies .......... Jericho Vernon Howard in Lively Bible Quizzes Page Twenty-five

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