King's Business - 1948-11

Helps for the Children ' The Church Sends Out Missionaries Acts 1:8; 13:1-3; 14:26, 27; 16:5-10 Memory Verse: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations” (Matt. 28:19). The second division of God’s Library, the New Testament, has an exciting book of history which follows the four Gospels. The book o f the Acts of the Apostles contains the history or the story o f the early church. Many o f the stories are about the missionaries whom the early church sent out with the mes­ sage o f salvation. Before the Lord Jesus returned to His Father in Heaven, He said to His dis­ ciples : “ But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto thè uttermost part of the earth” (Acts 1 :8 ). These witnesses were to tell others what they knew about the Saviour. Some of them witnessed in their own community; others went “ unto the uttermost part of the earth.” One day the H o ly ,Spirit asked some of the teachers who were in the church at Antioch to send Paul and Barnabas out as missionaries. They fasted and prayed with these two men and sent them forth to preach the gospel. At the end o f their first missionary journey, Paul and Barnabas returned to the church and told “ all that God had done with them, and how he had opened the door o f faith unto the Gentiles.” No­ tice that they did not brag about what they had done; they told humbly what God had done with them. The missionaries led souls to the Saviour, founded churches, and re-visit­ ed these churches to teach them God’s Word. Always they prayed that the Holy Spirit would lead them to the right place of service for their Lord. Every Christian is, or should be, a missionary witnessing for his Lord. God needs witnesses in homes, schools, play­ grounds, offices, places of business, etc. Whatever His children may be doing, He always expects them to be His wit­ nesses. Those who faithfully witness for Him in their daily lives are sometimes asked to go “ unto the uttermost part of the earth” to preach the gospel. Only as His children witness through the power given unto them by the Holy Spirit will souls.find the Saviour and Lord.

lllllllIllllllillllllilM “ God does not want you in China if you cannot witness in your own city; he has no use in India for one who is dumb in his own house.”— G. Campbell Morgan. :ll!!l!!il!ill!!!WIHHIIIIIIill!llllllllllllllil!!M

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CLOSELY GRADED Comprehensive Coverage of the Bible T h rou gh Lessons P repared fo r E a c h A g e L e v e l ★ CHRIST CENTERED ★ MODERN IN METHODS ★ ALL BIBLE and ALL OF THE BIBLE ★ SCIENTIFIC ★ N O T DATED The purpose of this fine Sunday School lesson series is to present the .Gospel of Christ to each grade level and give a comprehensive knowledge of the Bible. There is no waste of material because lessons are not dated. Use .. (V > rrGC 't' left-over books next year with a new class.

ANSWERS TO BIBLE QUIZ (Continued from Page 25)

a r g .

1. Paul

10. Esau 11. Jonah 13. Joseph 14. Jacob


2. Samson 3. Adam-Eve 5. Zacchaeus 6. Jeremiah 4. Moses

12. John the Baptist

^ Attractive Folder of detailed informa- tion outlining the content of Gospel Light Series of Sunday School Lessons.

15. Belshazzar 16. Stephen

¿ J r . ★ General Sunday School Catalog

7. Luke 8. Judas 9. John


17. Philip 18. Rahab

THE COSPEL LIGHT PRESS 1443-A No. Vine Street, Hollywood 28, Calrf.

Page Twenty-six

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