tion o f a worldly British empire for the kingdom of God on earth, but also because the whole system substitutes confidence in the flesh for faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Anglo-Israelism is ‘another gospel’ (2 Cor. 11:4). The Apostle Paul knew that he belonged to the children o f Israel. He was of that stock, of the tribe, a Hebrew o f the Hebrews (Phil. 3:3-8). Confidence in his family tree, confidence in his association with Israel by his ancestry, he counted as dung that he might win Christ. An- glo-Israelites go to this dung-heap, pick up its morsels and make it their only gospel. The fact that Paul belonged to the tribe and was able to trace his ancestry back to Adam he counted nothing. Any confidence in the flesh, any claim to racial superiority is only a detriment to the individual if he trusts in it instead of trusting in Christ. In the same chapter Paul tells us that those who ‘mind earthly things,’ are ‘the enemies of the cross of Christ.’ (Phil. 3 :18 ).” A L L ^ * 1 0 .0 HERE IT IS! ! 1 box Scripture Text Stationery, 10 Christmas Cards, 10 Everyday Cards — total value $1.50: FREE, Luminous Cross and Religious Gift Catalog. It’s all yours for only $1.00. McBETH'S RELIGIOUS ART STUDIO Dept. 14 Elizabethtown, Pa.
ANGLO-ISRAELISM True or False? (Continued from Page 10)
And now 1 stand and am judged for the hope of the promise made of God unto our fathers: . Unto which promise our twelve tribes, instantly serving God day and night, hope to come. For which hope’s sake, king Agrippa, I am accused of the Jews (A cts 26:b-7). The service mentioned in verse 7 was rendered in the temple, and consequently all o f the twelve tribes were repre sented there. The identity o f the twelve tribes is also set before us in the intro duction to the Epistle o f James: James, a servant o f God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting (Jas. 1 :1 ). These Biblical references have been called to your attention in order to show conclusively that there are no lost tribes. The Jews today are Israel, tem porarily set aside, but they are to be the recipients o f God’s grace in the day o f the revelation of Christ. Mr. Baron, a noted Jewish authority, testifies to the fact, saying: “ The names Jew and Israelite became synonymous terms from about the time of the cap tivity. It is one of the absurd fallacies of Anglo-Israelism to suppose that the term Jew stands for a bodily descendant of Judah. It stands for all o f those from among the sons of Jacob who acknowledge themselves subjects in the Kingdom of Israel. Anglo-Israelism teaches that members of the ten tribes are never called Jews, and that Jews are not Israelites; but both assertions are false. In the New Testament the same people that are called Jews one hundred seventy-four times are also called Israel no fewer than seventy- five times.” Compare the statements in Acts 21:39; 22:3; Rom. 11:1; 1 Cpr. 1:22; Phil. 3 :5 ; Rom. 9:4, 5. We are certainly in the last days. Cults and sects which boldly attack the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith are .flourishing on every hand, leading multitudes away from God. To gether with these there are vagaries that are being projected in order to destroy the testimony of those among God’s people who are untaught in the sacred Scriptures. I implore you to ex ercise care about accepting any system of teaching until it has been placed under the lens of Holy Writ. Anglo- Israelism cannot stand when it is sub mitted to such a test. If this theory is accepted, thfe clear teachings of God’s Word are repudiated. I cannot find a more striking conclu sion to this message than that which appeared in Revelation some time ago: “ We must see the terrible danger in Anglo-Israelism, not only in its substi tution of a counterfeit Messiah, not only in its denial o f God’s purposes for Israel, not only in its questioning of the promises o f God and the substitu
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